
Something that was glossed over: will Smith is the genie?? Fuck this movie, then. He has no talent and yet keeps on getting cast in these movies. My only hope is the genie is CGIed enough that I don’t have to see the furrowed brow/puppy dog eye look that’s his go to ‘emotional’ face. Pathetic.

You just *know* that the studio really wants a white guy. And that all this “we can’t find a guy after 2000 auditions” is just cover for when they announce that Aladdin will be played by Hugh Jackman.

I assume Jake Gyllenhaal is busy?

(Author’s note: They have dessert wine on airplanes?)

Wow, he was so young. I’ve never seen this show, but I just looked him up and one of the first news stories that came up from before today was an interview where Ellis criticized a former co-star for quitting because that actor didn’t want to play a gay character. That’s a stand up thing to do.

I am so sad to hear this. He stood out as being one of the strongest in the cast.

There were times where he was the only likable character on that show. How sad, he was so young.

The movie already has a diverse cast. How can it possibly do better? By having a 33 year old play someone half his age?

We have to come to terms with the fact that Marvel was never going to launch Spider-Man with Miles right out of the gate, just like they didn’t introduce Sam Wilson as Captain America first. Sure Spidey has been on the screen before but this is his first appearance in Marvel’s world. It wasn’t going to happen, no

2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!

I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:

Back in 2011, there was talk of Donald Glover playing Spiderman, and I’ll never forget the look on my evangelical coworker’s face after a very brief exchange.

Me “Hmmm. It looks Donald Glover could be cast as Spiderman.”

Him “He can’t be Spiderman!”

Me “Why not?????”

Him...silent...wearing the look on his face of a child

The last time I saw a super hero movie in the theatre or even at all (before wonder woman) Michael Keaton was batman. I think I went against my will with my parents. Super heros aren’t my thing. However, I binge watched Jessica Jones and I saw Wonder Woman. I didn’t just buy a movie ticket. I went to the fancy theatre

I’m gonna wait for the Xbox One X Two X Xbox.

Nintendo: No one could come up with a worse name for a console than Wii U.

TV series is an amazing fit for the Witcher. I was getting really concerned about all the push for a film, when this world and its main characters were all originally designed to work around the short story format. It’s a big part of why The Witcher 3 captured that so damn well, and why its side quests were often the

So....hmm...im of two minds, I want to say YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! But the other part is this is going to be from the books and not the games? I haven’t read them. Those that have, is there a massive difference in like things?

Sounds like its going to follow the book amd ignore the games. Because if I recall correctly, the writer has signed away the rights for the game and seem to not want to have anything to do with it, yet he’s helping out with this TV show. Does that mean we’re going to have a different looking Geraldt?

Even if the cost of living in Chicago isn’t quite at NY/LA/SF level unaffordable, the salaries displayed in that photo are impossibly low for people with 15 -39 years professional experience. They must all have to moonlight at other jobs to make ends meet.