Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die
Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die
Still use one every day in my 2005 LS430.
agreed, most of the non racist crazy gun nuts in elected office in this country would be republicans if we were a sane country,
This is a country where major news figures call Obama a hardcore socialist.
That’s a really stupid design choice since having mechs would give this game a unique feature that would standout compared to the other battle royal games.
2 lighters........most fullsize gm car back in the day had 4 lighters...
Trunk release hidden in the emblem:
My 2001 Audi S8 (D2 series) has the cutest little mini-sunshade-visor thing that lives BEHIND the rear view mirror... useful for the two times a year in the dusk/dawn light where the sun’s shining through that little slit behind the mirror just as you survey the mirror. Flip it down (it’s got a solid metallic…
Here is what Bernie Sanders should do: endorse a Democratic presidential candidate who will best carry on his own ideas. I don’t really give a damn who it is. Warren, or Kamala Harris, or Sherrod Brown, or whoever
Ageist bullshit is neither “perfect” nor “true”.
>Alternately, Bernie himself could run for president. What would this accomplish?
Right, I don’t get people talking about him being too old. There’s a system in place! Pick a 35 year old running mate who’s better than he is on the issues where he’s lacking. Problem solved.
Looking forward to being told I need to vote for Joe Biden in the primary “because he can win” despite there being no evidence to support that theory.
There’s an easy middle solution here. Bernie runs, but quickly brings on a Vice President who shares his principles and devotion while being considerably younger. He makes it clear that they are a team, and if he becomes too ill to stay in office he will resign and let him/her succeed to carry on.
It should also be noted that the typical person who claims we shouldn’t be ruled by emotion tend to be both the most emotionally stunted and most reflexively beholden to those stunted emotions than any of us.
Yep. That’s the funny part. Emotion and logic are two parts of a discussion/argument. To insist that one needs must be adhered to and that the other should be outright rejected is fencepost dumb.
Well I think we’ve reached the point where unironically using the term “SJW” reveals you as an intellectually lazy idiot to mostly anyone who doesn’t already agree with you. Which is probably the reason for this apparent new shift in terminology: its social capital has probably run out at this point, at least for the…
Also lol: “Logic and facts in an argument do nothing to change their mind and only cause them to just repeat themselves ad infinitum.”