
My wife’s grandmother would do the same thing. It’s a little disappointing that so many people who assume have or currently work in food service don’t get this. This is why my wife gets sick when we eat out. Not only because of people who lie or don’t check. She is so paranoid of being judged as a sanctimonious

If someone doesn’t normally eat meat they can potentially get sick from the animal fat alone. You don’t give a vegetarian something with meat in it and tell them to pick it out. Especially if it had been cooked in. Those people that just pull the pepperoni off the pizza are most likely not really vegetarians and

This one happened in the same district (or near) that voted Michelle Bachman into office, twice. Nothing but ignorant yokels up there. I saw a picture on the news of the perp, total mess. The victim was speaking Swahili, she is from Kenya originally. WTF is wrong with people!?

We don’t have soda here, just pop...

Pop! Does that bug you aye?

I want Italian Domino’s... I can’t believe I just said that. Unfortunately we will never get, what will most likely be, Domino’s best pizzas (this comes with a lot of caveats). How do we talk them into making a Neapolitan pizza for the American market?

How do people not have some basic understanding of the difference between Coke and Pepsi products? Also, how do they not get that if the have Coke they will most likely not have Mountain Dew or any other PepsiCo products. These are the same people that think a Chrysler is made by Chevy.

I live in Minnesota (born and raised) and do the same thing, always have. I remember ordering a soda when I was kid and the lady asked me where I was from. I was so confused.

If cod is not fish then what is fish? My whole world has been turned upside down and inside out.

A thin vaneer of refried beans and fajita grease.

This is going to be so anti-climactic... They heat up the skillets on the grill and dump the hot fajita filling on the skillets when you run the order. We carried big round trays on our shoulders. If you had several fajitas on order it would sizzle and splatter hot fajita juice all over your ear and hair. I never had

Chi-Chi’s? That’s where I got my fajita ear.

I had to tip out the bar and the bussers when I was a server. The hosts thought we should tip them out too. We would laugh and laugh and laugh and...

This is so frustrating! I have been using Yelp for years. I know that there is a lot of skewed BS but where else can you go with a such a large sample of customer reviews? It’s like I found out one of my once trusted friends is a compulsive liar. I have found a lot of great restaurants on there but how many have I

Clearly they made it wrong. A properly made Blizzard should never spill.

There is a link to an LA Times article that they quote on the page. When actually read the article some of the businesses seem to be quite positive about it. They have some reservations but for the most part they are on board. Of course most folks won’t bother actually following the link and just take it at face

I’m with ya here. Starting to question authenticity of a food blogger that doesn’t like peppers or proper corn tortillas.

Yes, because tortas are easy to eat... I just end up with a pile of hotdog, beans, and meat by the time I’m halfway through.

First thing I thought of when I saw that picture!

Same for Minnesota... In fact I just found out that Whole Foods sells alcohol from this comment.