It’s possible that none of us will survive the Trump administration.
It’s possible that none of us will survive the Trump administration.
Fuckface! That is literally a fuckface!
What interest does Florida have in the condition of the Chesapeake Bay?
Tye most heinous antivaxxers are the ones with scientific training, who abuse their credentials to misinform the public.
<i>What circle of Hell is reserved for really talented PR people?</i>
“mop the floor” is not how I would characterize winning a mere plurality of the popular vote.and failing to win the electoral college.
Oh, look, it’s the Clinton cheerleader here to defend the rich from unfair criticism.
Good god. I’m used to having to explain this to the conservative dipshits who comment on my local paper. I refuse to do it here. Fuck you, idiot.
Fuck this shit. Never call yourself a Democrat, again. You don’t believe in Democracy.
To be fair, ExxonMobil is a like a country. it’s revenue is close to Portugal’s, I recall hearing.
Isn’t that an emolument?
National popular vote interstate compact . I am lobbying CT to join it in the next session.
It’s a completely semantic argument that I’ve encountered more frequently since the election.
Yup. We are putatively elitists while also bums on welfare who are in the country illegally.
Let’s give him a chance. I Wannsee what he can accomplish.
Nice! my deductible went from 500 to 2000 and my premiums doulbled! Hooray Democrats! Hooray Max Baucus!
I noticed that, too. His only claim seems to be “I’m midwestern!”
Phone banking for her, her website tips me to offer one of the following reasons to vote for her:
What economic policies are you talking about? raising the federal minimum wage to 15? single payer healthcare? affordable education? How many democrats are pushing those policies?
That’s the shirt you get if he shoots you on 5th avenue!