
Uh, I don’t think we should be patting him on the back too much for disavow in white supremacists.

Civil war? I thought all the Bundys were in jail.

None of these people have fought a war against an enemy as large, organized, and provisioned as the US government. Just like the bird sanctuary rebels in Oregon, this would last about one month before they start to miss the comforts of civilized society and forget all about the “freedoms” that were threatened by

Birthdays happen once a year. Your first birthday does not occur after eight months. It took me a minute, too.

That’s neat, but that process entails extensive hardware modifications. it’s not something a bunch of hackers in a Siberian boiler room can do.

My reactions:

I was not referring to Clinton’s corporatism. I was referring to Benghazi and Whitewater ad you invoked them in your comment.

You can’t remotely hack voting machines.

Of all the reasons to criticize Clinton, those are the Fucking dumbest.

The good out numbers the bad by at least 2.2 million

What is puffy paint? Oh ok lol

I’m being oppressed. I’M BEING OPPRESSED!

I am going to get my state, Connecticut, to adopt the national popular vote interstate compact.

For anyone who is serious about mitigation of global warming, ambassador to Greenland is not a triviality.

I agreed with your first comment, but this election was totally about race, based on exit poll statistics.

This is called the “Texas sharpshooter” fallacy, by the way. I have been invoking it a lot when explaining this.

You took the bait. You are being pendantic about the word pendantic.

Trump is happening. accept it.

Let me try!

Also drugs