Justin Wayne

@All_Thumbs: Damn straight. That's what's wrong with world today pornography and easter eggs. Why before you know it people will be fornicating in the streets.

@palmerkun: Here's my question. Where is that $7M going? The cost of the technology required to produce a television show is going down but the actual cost of production continues to rise. Could it be that the real fear in Hollywood is that the democratization of both production and distribution will spread the wealth

@Shai: You're assuming the ability to mount a meaningful counterstrike would survive the initial attack. Don't forget that the first targets hit would be military. Putting everything you have in the air at the same time as your enemy not only insures your ability to carryout a retaliatory strike, it gives diplomacy

2003: RSS aggregates the web

Pro #tip if you like the 1st result, hit down-arrow, right-arrow triggers the "I'm Feeling Luck" link and takes you directly to the 1st result.

@jcous: Cough...Netflix...cough. Yeah, I know there are a few of the specials you need to wait for the DVD's to see, but nearly the entire series is available for streaming at $8/month.

It's not really official until there's a price and an availability date. I'm looking at you Duke Nukem Forever.

@Tailsnake: FreshStart meets the exact use case I was hoping TabRocket would solve. I run both the Canary and Beta versions of Chrome. I try to live in the Canary build, but some days it's just unbearable. Now I can move my 10 open tabs over to Beta all at once. #tip

@siwex80: That's the most succinct explanation of the problem with the modern patent system I've heard yet. If that standard had been applied in Edison's time, the idea of a light bulb would have been patented by someone with no clue how to actually make one, but plenty enough legal talent to get Edison to pay

@BeerManMike: Larry Ellison is the only individual with >1% ownership. A majority of the stock is owned by institutional investors and mutual funds (as is typical of major corporations).

@CamJN: If you install the Dev Channel all will be forgiven and then, there will be cake. :)

@Adam Pash: An amusing point nonetheless.

@Ashutosh: This data has the same accuracy problem as any self-selecting survey.

In reading the press release linked in the story, it appears that $35 is just the goal. Current material costs are $47, but they're working with manufacturers to reduce that.

@( . Y . ): Neither do the title bar buttons. Although with 2 16:9 monitors, I rarely find the need to fine tune beyond the 1/2 screen that you get by cycling through the WIN+left/right options.

@( . Y . ): I mostly use WIN+some_arrow_key

If they'd allow the title bar to be disabled entirely, this would be great. The shortcuts for moving windows around in Win7 make the title bar buttons unnecessary imho. Not sure if there are equivalents on Mac and Linux.

Once again the lie that keeping the App Store closed increases the security and quality of apps is exposed. If Apple didn't know what this app did before they approved it, clearly they don't do even the most cursory inspection of what API calls an app makes and whether those conform to that stated use of the app.

@wickedcupofjoe: Your experience may be different, but every email client I've used for at least the last 3 years turns any web address into a link without the need for HTML. I don't see a need for anchor text in the context of a sig.