Justin Wayne

Please, don't confuse the issue with facts.

Maraschino cherry, right ahead!!!

No, he's not holding it wrong. That sonic screwdriver is the only thing keeping his pants up.

Interesting that the places where the don't believe in evolution are doing the best job of making sure it continues to function.

Perhaps a look at the prototype will help explain things.

image fail, nevermind

Do you think that the continuous flow has the potential to cause the valves to eventually (over the course of years) become "stuck" open? Of course the hope would be that this type of implant would last a normal lifespan, but if it were to fail and your veins could no longer handle a beating heart then a human heart

Considering the specs of the PR2, namely that this beast packs four i7 CPUs (16 total cores) and 48GB of system memory, I'm not very impressed that they were able to get it to bake a batch of cookies in just over an hour.

Black & white says "eat it or starve."

Best April Fools prank ever!

What is "required by law" is that a company provide any information which they are able to access to the government agency presenting a proper warrant (or legal equivalent). Lastpass has structured their service in such a way that they have nothing meaningful to turn over, Dropbox has not. Presumably Lastpass could be

I'd argue that the best thing for both your psychological and financial health would be to use psychological tricks to improve your finances, not financial gimmicks to improve your psyche.

The EIC advance program has gone away, but if you're still a net payer, check out IRS Pub 919 which is a companion to the W-4 that, among other things, explains how to convert expected credits to withholding allowances.

Couldn't find a less objective source?

Have we really gotten to the point were the average person is so incapable of understanding something as simple as powers of 1000 that we have to construct such asinine comparisons?

Good point on #3. I guess you could say the proper approach is to always try the duct tape first. In fact, despite rarely needing the desktop search capabilities, I have Google Desktop installed precisely because it allows me to hit CTRL-CTRL, from anywhere, and get a search box.

There's an important point here that, I think, a lot of people need to be reminded of, which is: [your search engine of choice] is not the internet; just because you can't find something there doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

For a moment I thought I was reading TechCrunch or, worse yet, watching CNN read their twitter stream. But seriously, what a steaming pile of fud. Everyone just needs to stop and take a breath... WAIT!!! STOP!Breathing will kill you!