
The more to the story is “the dark skinned man stood up to me and called me a name and my fragile cop ego can’t stand for that”

all day everyday

beat me to it.

In lieu of an apology, he should just send thoughts and prayers.

A judge can unilaterally decide upon a punishment, no matter how crazy/unconstitutional, then throw you in jail for contempt if/when you refuse? Could said judge asked him for a BJ? Demanded he clean the court’s bathrooms? IANAL, but such judicial carte blanche for speeding ticket adjudication doesn’t sound legit at

You are 100% correct.

“I’m sorry your fat ass stood in front of my car.”

Ass : 2. informal + impolite : a stupid, stubborn, or detestable person

No doubt true, though to be fair, I wouldn’t live in Florida either, for a lot of reasons.

oh i love new york and i also bet 200 guys get punched before lunch in florida every day.

krhodes1, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God

“Everything is not a dog whistle”

That boot leather must taste mighty fine on a Monday morning.


Cops are the most fragile motherfuckers on the planet. And most of them are more overweight than most Americans too. They can all move their fat asses.

aNyOnE wItH dIfFeReNt BeLiEfS tHaN mE iS oNlY pReTeNdiNg!1!11!!

So you think it’s good to keep funding a country that’s currently in the midst of their ethnic cleansing endgame, got it.

You might want to do a little journalism as a journalist. He did not go to Caliber 3 after October, 7. That was in 2018.

All protest is, in some sense, a performance. What a weird and unnecessary observation.