David Zaslav and J.K. Rowling buddying up
David Zaslav and J.K. Rowling buddying up
Man, they are going to make billions over the enormous potential audience that is old enough to give a fuck about Harry Potter and TV series period but also young enough to want to watch a kids show about wizards and conservative enough to not loathe Rowling while also progressive enough to not think this is all…
It’s always fucking hilarious to posit that a particular person exists and have someone respond “No, we don’t!”
He’s got a face you want to smother with a pillow.
They deserve each other.
They’re different and your opinion doesn’t seem to accommodate any feasible enjoyment in light of that fact.
By making the most detestable character in the entire series a trans woman? How is that a positive?
Anytime I hear about Zaslav it’s basically a story about how much he’s lubing his hands for the shareholders. The fact that he and Rowling, two of the most disgusting people in entertainment, seem to be buddies doesn’t shock me in the least
Zaslav’s stubby, uniform teeth really bother me. No canines? It’s like he’s wearing an elaborate human costume but cheaped out on the teeth.
Two lovely people. Would hate it if an asteroid struck the location of their meeting.
I think we should count on her shitty views leaking into this series, whether it’s villains suddenly turning out to be LGBTQ or Hermione coming out as a brave truth-telling bigot for no particular reason. (As opposed to opposing slavery until it became clear that opposing it turned out to be difficult and she decided…
But she keeps saying she’s the rEaL ViCtim in da CultURe WARz!! Isn’t she about to go to jail for her noble views about not shutting up about things that are not effecting her in anyway? That’s sarcasm, btw.
That wasn’t actually my reasoning. I think they were both good but imperfect, but that many of the dudes who are saying this season was shit are doing it because of things that were true about the season they now think was perfect.
“Oh, also, Dolores Umbridge was actually a trans woman.”
I don’t know if it’s because I read this article before I watched the lastest episode, but JESUS CHRIST Sabrina Brier’s performance was the first truly bad thing I’ve seen on Abbot Elementary to date.
Cool story that didn’t demonstrate any flaws in my reasoning.
It’s funny to line this comment up with all those saying the show was terrible because it deviated from the formula.
He’s been a dancer and comedian since like 2013. Since Vine was a thing