
The Queen Mother drank enough gin to float a battleship and she made it to 101.

It’s fine

Does the lemon water magic combine or cancel out the alkali water magic?

Sure. Mercedes doesn’t live in her parents’ basement. She has a job. She’s not a bigot. You are indeed not the same.

You are correct, this individual was not harassing anyone. And I say above he has the right to protest. But instead he chose to drive a tractor down the highway like a dipshit. You still haven’t answered why he needed a tractor to protest. If he is so right about this issue, then why hide behind a fucking tractor. Be

Yes how dare people have a different view on their gender! Next thing you know people will want to be gay without being stoned, or write with their left hand! How sinister!

I think for the first time ever, someone wanting equality and acceptance has been called a bootlicker 🤣

Bye, Felicia.

Canned mackerel doesn’t seem like an easy currency to keep in your prison wallet.


The air conditioners, pumps, water makers, kitchen, freezers, fire suppression system, et al require two massive diesel generators that must be running 24/7. As you say, the sails are good for optics.

From an environmental perspective, sure. If it actually used the sails, which this one does not. At least not so far in any footage. And then there’s all the luxury stuff inside that requires power so just a wasteful heap of crap... Like having to keep AC on at all time or the wood warps... Such a good design choice...

I googled “torpedo for sale”. Found this:

Another victim of the devil’s music (or lack thereof).

Stop saying Snorkels and pre cleaners are for water fording, in fact most are worse for fording. Snorkels are so you raise the level of the air intake to get it out of most of the dust. On dirt trails you put on the pre-cleaner for dust. Leaving the pre-cleaner on just lower power and fuel eco.

Did these guys just rip off the Prime trucking company’s logo?

Maybe it’s the equivalent of asking someone to bring ice to Thanksgiving dinner/a potluck...

You can reuse this same slideshow as Food Related Gifts for your work White Elephant party.

Then take it out of their hands and legislate that they have to. <shrug>

If I were the call center employee, I’d have paid the $150 on my own card, except that, as a call center employee, I probably couldn’t have afforded it.