
If only more of those deplorables would do the same en masse, we’d be on our way to America becoming slightly better.

The Uni-baller ruined that first name for everyone!

Fuck anyone & everyone who buys a Cyberdumpster.

This is the kind of guy who really should have just kept his old ICE vehicle, pulled into his garage, closed the door, and napped until the gas ran out.

regardless of what he meant, is it’s a really stupid thing for a politician to post on social media

Any chance you can banhammer the bigot in grey?

ND simply for the bullshit photography. You’re selling a car on Craigslist, don’t get artsy.

Here ya go. And it’s down the road in Bend, so even if it has to be hauled in, it’s not that far.

It’s still a million times better looking than the Cyberdumpster.

I’ll believe it when we don’t see it.

Sounds about like what I’d expect from a shithole state like that.

But I don’t do these Questions of the Day for the clicks, and I certainly don’t do them because I love making slideshows. I do them for to you, dear reader.

The car could also be dinged for the absence of the desirable third row of seats

I’m not a bigoted transphobe like you, cracker.

Let me guess - you’re white.

A meaningless cliché!

The douche is strong with this one.

Simply using nepo as though it’s a meaningful word & not just a moronic neologism is whining.

Fuck Amazon & anyone caping for them.

But how will we ever undo such grievous damage done to that generation who were force-fed CRT during those formative years?!