
But instead of a clean, quick head shot, we’re getting a sucking chest wound instead.

I assume they then called your wife a filthy Marxist, despite not knowing a Marx other than Groucho.

The ad as originally posted listed both the Brat & the Chieftain, looks like the ad was slightly edited to reflect the Subaru’s sale.

Smells like Diddy.

There’s no “c” in Texarkana, dipshit.

Shut the fuck up, dickhead.

What, don’t they have shop vacs in Portugal?


I can’t wait for that tedious lickspittle ExpiredSeafood to defend Tesla yet again & explain how you’re all wrong & no he isn’t in love with Musky Leon no really not at all yourealljustjealoushaters

I don’t think TruthBeTold’s left hand could leave him, no matter how much it would like to.

That’s it. Swerve didn’t feel quite right, but I couldn’t stomach thinking about him any more.

You pieces of shit are everywhere.

What a load of bad-faith bullshit.

Just to reiterate - FUCK Walmart, in every orifice available.

Yep, points off for being able to predict that train of thought. Not nearly enough swerve & gibberish.

the ferrous wheel

That take is so bad I had to scroll back up & see if it was Brownell, the king of shit takes.

Full circle. First time I’d heard of this: https://jalopnik.com/watch-jay-z-kanye-west-saw-the-top-off-a-maybach-5830270

It would be hard to make this any uglier:

That wasn’t a value judgement.