Man, Brownell has really let himself go.
Man, Brownell has really let himself go.
I know two childless assholes who put these stickers on their own cars.
He’s a sensitive li’l bitch.
This is the best thing I’ve read in a while.
Kinja - now with reduced content, daily!
Harley riders are on a different level of awful for this.
Bolt cutters are heavier, and probably easier to toss through their windshield as you pass them.
15 NP idiots so far.
Jesus, he’s pretty awful but he’s still my son
Is “constantly removing functionality” a form of maintenance?
Now, now, there’s no reason to waste perfectly good beer on an asshole.
Edit - Kinja is butchering everything today.
Like a sign would even register.
“beef petty”?
One of the only good things, in fact!
It’s impressive that with all the other SEO garbage linked in the piece, the author managed to ignore Jason’s post completely.
ol’ ExpiredSeafood up there is the biggest Tesla shill here, it’s hardly worth the effort of interacting with him when it comes to Elon - those balls will be gargled to completion, no matter what.
We don’t care what your wife says to you in bed, I’m already tired of listening to her side of the story.
I did the same for the driver’s-only auto up/down switch in my RAV (but sourced a new knock-off one on AliExpress for ~$35).