
That’s because Bethesda’s 3rd person moves like clay.

I think it’s time for your nap.

Well, the little plastic ball with used panties in it that my roommate got from a vending machine in Japan would disagree with you, but either way, it’s quirky in a way that makes me happy, so there’s not really much for us to argue about here.

See, I’m the opposite. I share these sort of trophies on my Facebook because I find Japanese perviness hilarious.

Fair. But still fuck this screen!

Well the mics on gaming headsets aren’t even all that but yeah. I compared the A40s to my K550s and the A40s were muffled and terrible. Audio Technica had a $150 of cans that go on dale frequently. Combine that with a mod mic or a decent desktop mic and you got yourself a fantastic combo.

That’s another thing. I can understand for a console but for PC at a desk? It’s more of a hassle. Now you have to worry about it being charged, etc.

I’m not willing to give up quality on such a tiny convenience. Everything sounds so crystal clear and perfect. Bullets, footsteps, etc. There’s no going back

The worst thing about Overwatch is generally Overwatch players. They’re either fucking idiots who don’t understand the point of the game and think it’s like Halo or Call of Duty or they’re hardcore Blizzard freaks who are so concerned with the canon and lore that they forget how to actually play a match.

“Single-player DLC” was barely a thing for Rockstar in the first place. The GTA 4 and RDR expansions were sold as standalone retail discs. Max Payne 3 never got single player DLC. LA Noire was the only one that had true single-player DLC but it’s also the only one that doesn’t have multiplayer at all.

Enderal has competent and coherent story albeit with flaws. But I can forgive that. And instead of giving you 100s of cardboard companions, Enderal gives you 2 well fleshed ones. Imo, it’s the Skyrim that I wanted. If you just enjoy a good story with fairly interesting characters you should with this a go.  

I totally misread that as a Batman game with Damon Wayans...

It took me a while to get the gist of it, but once I got my first S rank or two, it honestly doesn’t become that hard to figure out. The suppressed non-lethal rifle, combined with fultoning everything in sight, make things so easy it can almost be game breaking.

Take those two things out of the picture (at least only

What are you talking about? The journalistic response to this game has been tepid at best, and downright hostile in many places.

HA! beat you to it by 10 minutes :)

The DS4 is literally perfect.

Try the A Clash of Kings mod for Mount & Blade Warband. You can basically start off as a low level warrior, fight for lords one by one, eventually conscript soldiers from all walks of life for a regular cost of coin and food, weaponry...and declare for a major player and wage glorious war.

This sounds more like your problem than the writer’s.