
When you are trying too hard, you miss the point. Assume that’s why this silly discussion was cut off.

And another, right over the hollow melon..

It usually happens when you’re being chased and shot at. The civies act irregularly and panicky. Also, if you drive too close to the opposite lane the oncoming car seems to be frightened and swerve. Lol.

“I need about tree-fitty.”
Yeah, have you not seen the low $20 tag?

For $20, this expansion pass seems pretty decent. No one should really complain about this one, I’ll be getting it when the second half comes out. Why not?

No way in hell I’m passing this up.

Well, hopefully by now most players are moving on from relying on doing the same heist over and over.
I did them all a lot almost two years ago around release and used the Kuruma strat a number of times but I’ll not go back to heists for money again. Vehicle exporting and special cargo has made it easy to make

Lmao, this game..

Weeb, listen, this game is personalizing and narrowing down the field to children in school. Are you stupid?

What a turd of a game anyway.. Who’s loss? Not Twitch’s loss, that’s for certain.

Yeah, I can do that for hours but it’s the heavy sniper you wanna watch out for in a jet, as soon as I start getting hit by them I get worried, lol. Feed a dozen or so shots and you’ll be needing a new Hydra soon

I appreciate games that do their own thing yet make it distinguishable.

I am not surprised at all. He’s a genius for all the wrong reasons, at least these days. Call him a mastermind marketer.

You must be a sad little girl. Are you offended, you piece of filth? I flagged you for no reason as well. Get bent, trash heap.

But when you realize the girl can sing better than Kurt ever could.... I was actually expecting way worse. Not a big fan of the grunge scene but appreciation is put where due and I like this enough to say it was good. Did you like all of the other poppy kind of tracks? That’d explain a lot.

Dang, if you actually took down Hydras with the Ruiner 2k than they were truly horrible pilots, not an exaggeration.

I guess that’s what happens when you are a lover of all good games.

This is a pretty disgusting trend.. I have the Turtle Beach DSS2 Dolby 5.1 sound processor and any stereo headset plugged in sounded miles better than the virtual headsets I’ve tried. This external processor is also really low end when compared to other options. Soon, I’m gonna get one of those Schiit amps and the

Don’t be a dweeb, you know yo want this chip so badly.

I don’t think steak donut is a flavour. Is the steak round with a hole? Or is it oozing juicy blood inside? Steak chips? Think they already exist but count me in..