Just Ignorant

well I am crazy impressed. I hoped for the best, feared the worst, and got David Lynch!

I love love love TCM2. It's one of the most inspired horror sequels of all time. Of course people hate it, that sound you hear is the point whooshing over their heads.

I watched the whole damn two seasons in three days. I know that colors my view as a show like this practically demands you need a week inbetween it, but eh. It's far from a coherent story but this is the Tori Amos of sci-fi TV.

The Paradise Lost films were pretty mainstream. They are not obscure documentaries at all. If there are three superior films telling this story with the actual real-life characters, how can anyone possibly recommend a fake version?

Republicans. I don't care how cute you are, current events are going to come up one day and it's over.