Orange Torana

Garbage Time FTW!

oh wow, wasn’t expecting the free car to be on top of this list.

for all those here disparaging florida, if you voted for trump even one time, you are the part of the problem why florida politics is so messed up right now, because of your enablement. if you voted for hillary, then go on record here that you did. if you voted for neither, then you indirectly helped get trump

Wait so randomly shooting out of a moving vehicle in public, because you thought your car got shot (which did they ever find bullet holes?)...Oh after he CUT SOMEONE OFF, constitutes as a reasonable action? nah the dude has no self control or humility to de-escalate the situation with a “I’m sorry wave” to the driver

Fine, I’ll say it. Porsche 914. I just don’t get it.

Maybe, just maybe, if your country didn’t allow everyone - including this delusional kid - to wear a gun, shit like this wouldn’t happen. Without that gun on his hip, this probably ends with the kid getting some (well deserved) fines. Yeah, he was a fucking idiot, but that clearly isn’t yet a death penalty offence.

You might be done here, but I’m not quite.


Can you tell me how underscoring the urgency of locating a stolen car with an abducted child while working with the very person capable of - in the instant - finding that car is ‘emotional blackmail’?  Because you aren’t being clear.

I think you’re on the wrong side of this argument. I would argue that corporate greed kept them from helping find a lost child until a fee had been paid. I think VW’s service provider could also afford to skip the fee, help some people who were victims of a crime and generate some goodwill.

The point was the timing in a very serious emergency situation, not the required payment. They obviously could pay - they ended up doing just that (too late as it turns out). This was an emergency situation where every second was essential to getting this kid back safe and any reasonable person would have assisted

In general, the longer a company operates it tends to improve their workmanship and quality. With russians it was the opposite - the longer they made their awful ladas, volgas and moskviches, the worse they became. How? Ilogical! In soviet russia logic worked in a speshl way. The answer is that the tooling wore out,

Finally, someone gets it. There has been a tragic lack of off the wall wild cards of late.

Fuck you. 

I don’t entirely agree that higher is worse as a general rule. A slightly higher than average car is ideal in my opinion. Think Subaru Cross-Trek, or the like. It can help get through some piled up snow that might otherwise be tough for a regular sedan - like you might find near curbs, or in front of drive ways -

bad tires and overestimation of vehicle and ability are what leads to tons of trucks sitting in ditches, too many people ignore tires until they get a flat

I have seen so many Jeeps and 4x4 trucks stuck in storms up in Tahoe...and my little 2016 VW Golf R with AWD just scoots around them like its a non-issue. On all-weather tires, no less.

This was a painful read.

Some seriously not-great suggestions here. I grew up driving in the winter - and the formula is simple:

I’m going to be the contrarian. If it’s mechanically sound as advertised, you’re one paint job away from a neat, useful example of something you no longer see every day.