I have one of each, minivan and Miata. If the question involves a long interstate drive with people, stuff including 2 kayaks and a large dog then Miata is definitely not the answer - save that for the solo or 2 person mountain road weekend!
I have one of each, minivan and Miata. If the question involves a long interstate drive with people, stuff including 2 kayaks and a large dog then Miata is definitely not the answer - save that for the solo or 2 person mountain road weekend!
When I was in the Army (nearly 20 years ago) I got a $1200 allowance to ship my car home. That cost me about $1350 at the time. So no, the answer to your question is no. Not to mention, I had an American spec Civic Si. Selling that in Europe is a mothertrucker. So much red tape.
November 2003 I put my 1999 Civic SI (US spec) on a ship to America from Germany as I was exiting the US Army to return to civilian life. I loved that car and would have been heart broken had it burned/drowned along the way. I feel for those folks.
Northern Sweden and Finland disagree
Now to take exception there. I can’t say anyone in love with that car didn’t have a Soul. I’ll bet after the lost the car, they were gutted. Likely felt completely Soul-less or something.
It is the privately owned ordinary cars that are the true losses, because those are cars people cared enough for to tranship rather than replace. They meant something to someone, and that is a shame to lose those emotional connections.
I would buy that immediately if they sold it in the US.
I have also leaked
If things like the GT2000, Century, Land Cruiser, MR2, Supra, LC500 don’t move the needle a bit I’ll question your Jalop credentials.
This is what happens when your CEO is a massive rally fan.
I remember being a poor kid in a car that needed repairs I couldn’t afford, and LUSTING after the Corolla. Could you imagine a car that didn’t regularly blow a head gasket, or vapor lock, or burn through fuses and voltage regulators? Man, I wanted a Corolla. I’ve test driven them, and rented them, and even thought…
For pretty much all my life I’ve respected Toyota products as reliable transportation appliances that would make me want to shoot myself from boredom if I had to actually own and drive one on the regular. Great for other people, not for me. And before you come at me with the exceptions I’m simply making a…
Tave Dracey
Someone else posted this, and I’ll say the same thing here - I have a massive soft spot for these and listed it as one of my favorites when Jalopnik asked the bests last year.
Uh, counterpoint, when Jalopnik asked what our favorites were last year, this was one of mine.