Orange Torana

I think I know how they’ll get the boats in, at least if they’re going to do it right.

It makes sense they gave it no access to open water.

Alfas rely a LOT on power from the battery (ex. brake by wire and electric power steering). I’m a member of a couple Alfa groups (I own and DD a 2018 Giulia Ti Sport Q4), and the default answer for any issue is “change the battery”. The OE batteries in the 2017s are know to have (and cause) issues that go away when

Nyet. I’m in the US. My ‘98 Jetta TDI went 220k miles with few issues, and I sold it with the original clutch still holding tight. That was a great car. 

They aren’t more reliable in Europe, people just drive fewer miles per year. The average 4 year old GTI in the UK will have 28,000 miles on it, while the average 4 year old US GTI will accumulate 56,000 miles.

Fun Fact - I worked at that mall (it’s in suburban Chicago) back in the 90's. It opened in 1991 or so, and I don’t think it ever had any remodeling till the interior part closed in 2017, and it looks very late 80's. Shit, the record store I worked in closed in about 2002, and it never had a corporate store after that

Future headline: “We now live in a world were new Corollas cost 50k”

Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating

I mean, if you pause the video at one particular frame in the 3:30 second mark and bring up the levels...

“I’m sorry sir, your base model Golf requires z rated tires, specifically these continentals, and that will be 300 each.” - seems legit..

about a mile each way

You’re sixteen and you have $20 grand to spend on a car??? Ok kid, this is the voice of reason and experience - and 35 years your senior. Take $10 grand and bury it in a GIC, mutual fund, or some other long-term and low risk investment. Seriously. Invest it and forget it. If you don’t play with it and let it compound

Do NOT get the VW. Any VW. Because they are finicky, fragile cars that have one of the worst reliability track records. If you are 16? Seriously, just get a used civic, corolla, or some other appliance vehicle and use it through college and THEN consider getting the “fun” car when you graduate. The supply chain issue

“If you are going through hell, keep going”

if youre talking about the subaru owner... fortunately he lives in california, and insurance companies cant just straight up drop people like that. and they wont, because that’s an even bigger lawsuit...

the market is bananas... to get a decent low mileage car would likely have cost considerably more than that engine did.

The renter who is still unnamed and yet to be found

And you are smart to do so. But I’m guessing he didn’t.

Please start a Go-Fund-Me to retain a good lawyer and sue the fuck out of the dipshit Tesla driver (and get the kitty taken away from him) instead.  Name as co-defendants every Musk-besotted moron who witnessed the wreck then failed to do anything about the driver absconding.