Orange Torana

You are assuming facts not in evidence: that these truckers, specifically, were the majority of those transporting toilet paper and other sundries during the pandemic.

Now playing

Also, this the guy’s car they smashed into. Choi filed a copyright strike against him for including a clip of the jump in his first video.

I don’t have a garage, but in my driveway is an unremarkable 2006 Volvo V70 (named Pandora) that, as of today, I have agreed to say goodbye to. 4,709mm of Swedish utility. 2 litres across five cylinders of forced induction mediocrity. And yet, with nearly 350,000km on the clock (more than two-thirds I put on in the

F’n Antifa strikes again!

these trucker protests have gone too far.

Full size spares on trucks are normal tires with normal speed ratings, not space savers with low limits.

Counterpoint: fossil fuels are unacceptable.....

Not if you’re sucking down a mochafragilisticexpialicchino and biscotti while taking a meeting and grinding out emails, it isn’t.

Or transport them to safety in style.

It should be seized an used to house Ukrainian refugees.

these fun colors better stay when it comes stateside and not get turned into 6 shades of beige, grey, black, and dark red....

Depending on the circumstances, we might also be able to re-christen it the Schadenfreude

Maybe.... but I dont own a 700 million dollar yacht or a 7000 dollar yacht. So that will get filed in my “ less than zero fucks given” folder. 

I, however, am not a good driver. I cannot be expected to safely drive a car that is RWD and I definitely cannot drive manual.

Not open to American citizens? After all the money they saved when we decided not to make them pay for the border wall, and this is the thanks we get? Sheesh /s

“Make America Great Again” encompassed a whole lot more than “Buy American”

This is why sanctions are the smartest way to do it. Maybe not the quickest, but the most certain. Taking the oligarchs’ yachts and mansions, ending flights, etc, will hurt Putin’s backers and the big business interests within Russia, and that will mean a lot of shady people meeting in darkened rooms talking about who

They should do what the Irish truck drivers are doing, or at least what one Irish trucker did.

I can’t wait for a weird cult-off between the Tesla Stans and the kool-aid drinkers over in Apple World. The Android Mob will smugly pretend to be above it all, but we all know they’re all messy bitches who live for the drama.

I 100% agree there. German cars can be better. However, you really have to be on your toes with them. I always take it from a “gas-and-go” perspective. “Maintenance” that is more than a half-decent dinner is a repair. Here a mechanic is about $90 from an indie shop. We also have a mechanics shortage too (low wage,