
One of the things that keeps people silent is fear that the rest of the family will turn on them. Abusers pick their victims. It’s like some fucking radar.

Oh I’ve got to watch this then. That sounds so much like my mother who will never be responsible for her actions. She just shuts everything down and refuses self-reflection. Though she never engaged in anything close to this, she has done things that I struggle with to this day. Such as her obvious preference for my

I keep starting to watch this documentary and having to pause it because I don’t know if I can handle it. When my grandfather died, I found out only then that he had nearly been booted from the university where he taught over sexual harassment; they’d gone to my grandmother and told her to convince him to retire

This is my story, too, except instead of a grandfather it was my father who raped and sexualy molested his daughters, sons and any child who he could victimize including nieces, nephews and lord knows how many others. Yes, I was among the victims. My mother was aware he was doing it but because she herself was raped

I mean, what is a conspiracy theorist? I’m asking you.”

Well, that was the correct thing to do. He was just living the very same values by which he himself lived. Oh, wait...

It reminds me of when Bill Cosby kicked Lisa Bonet off the Cosby show because she did a movie with nudity after he forbade her from doing it.

Who knew a grown woman needed her co-star’s permission to date someone. Do these people live in the 1700’s?

The only time she will ever be inside the White House is if she wants to go on a public visitors’ tour.

He... asked Larry David for permission to date Cheryl Hines? That’s disturbing on multiple levels, not the least of which is his apparent inability to tell fact from fiction, which, I guess we already knew. 

Thank you.

My suspicion is that they are afraid to do any slight thing to open up the excuse for a mistrial. Better to let him dig his own, deep grave. 

This is absolutely disgusting. “Equality under the law?” HA! That myth has been conclusively debunked forever. Big Orange rants and raves, in- and out-of-court, completely unchecked; Ms. Carroll is deluged with death threats by Orange’s army of worked-up, inbred knuckle-draggers. Yet another black eye for the American

Can anyone explain to me how the eff this fails to result in a contempt of court charge??? I guarantee no other defendant would be permitted such leeway to misbehave. Throwing him out of the room still leaves him access to a platform. Throw his ass in a cell until he apologizes for being a puerile brat.

Let’s all raise a glass to this brave-ass woman who just keeps going, in the face of unbelievable ugliness, to take that piece of orange crap down. I can’t imagine trying to live any kind of life with Trump’s insane gun-toting asshole hordes on you every moment. But she just keeps going.


If Jezebel isn’t getting enough comments on this, I assure you, it’s because we’re all exhausted with this piece of shit NEVER paying the price for his nonsense. It seems like no amount of outrage will change the fact that he’s still free and has supporters.

The issue is that red state after red state has made sure that any abortion exceptions will be dismissed, proving that the exceptions do not work and the GOP is determined to make everything as cruel as possible.

Judging by the picture, Ron brought his own booster pad and the ‘big boy’ booties this time.

No kidding. I’m sure that a whole schmackle of anti-choice crazies will donate to some sort of Go Fund Me to help her defray her court responsibilities- and that also gives me great joy because their money will be going to support abortion services and they probably can’t think it through that far.