
Then you guys need to step up and realize that keeping your mouth closed while your fellow ‘flock’ loudly and overtly pushes their narrative doesn’t help you in the least or make anyone want to even consider your position even if its the exact opposite.

Did nobody ever tell you it’s legal to “fire” your health care team? If you don’t like someone who’s giving you care, you can demand other personnel. They work for you. In your situation I would have demanded to see the Charge Nurse, told her/him that your care giver was not respecting your wishes, and demanded

Aww, Rockhard is back. Guess I need to get ready to bash his brains in with a mallet.

No I had kids with my wife. She’s under good care from great doctors and she isn’t planning on dying any time soon. If you live life worrying about tomorrow you wouldn’t really live.

I had a coworker who’s sister was having some issues so she went to the doctor. After a few treatments and no progress on her issues, the doctor told her - I shit you not - to pray on it.

For real. If our shitty, profiteering healthcare industry is going to place profits front and center, and our government is going to dismantle civil liberties because they want to live in the Handmaid’s Tale, the only recourse is to sue doctors like this into oblivion and make their employers hurt.

My wife is on a lot of medication for her chronic disease. EDS like the lady in the article. When we had our second son we had a very supportive group of doctors working with. We were able to identify what meds she had to come off completely and what meds she would take at lower doses and what meds she didn’t need to

To both impose his personal beliefs and use them as a shield. 

My mother-in-law had to deal with crap like this when her pregnancies ran into problems, where she wasn’t allowed to make decisions and they had to get her husband to decide things, even though she was perfectly alert and competent, and an entire damn hospital kicked her out forcing her to go to a whole different town

THIS!!!!  This a thousand, billion, googleplex times this!!!!!

Always remember: With Republicans, cruelty is a feature not a bug.

For starters, she needs to find a doctor who isnt an idiot.  Because her doctor sounds like a flipping idiot.  

Thanks to Republicans

I wonder if this site is going to let the shit clods take over and ruin the comments section like another site in this family.

What absolute bullshit. I’d hope that doc is personally named in the suit, and not just Albany Partners.

The fact that the term he used for her potential mate was, “steady partner” (as in the phrase “going steady”, which fell out of fashion in the 1960s), should tell you all you need to know about where (or more to the point when) this doctor is, as a person...

The state of New York legalized abortion in 1970; Roe being overturned should have absolutely no bearing on this whatsoever. The hospital is gonna lose unless they pay her a TON of money & fire that doctor.

“My personal beliefs mean that I can object to treating a patient.”

Sue them into oblivion.

The US has gone mad.