New Hampshire is not known for its diversity. There are like 17 black and brown people in the whole state and she was harassing like 25% of them.
New Hampshire is not known for its diversity. There are like 17 black and brown people in the whole state and she was harassing like 25% of them.
Oooh! Does this mean I can carry a squirt bottle and just wet these bitches down when they step up? Because I can truly see me doing something just like that, can’t I?
These people really don’t even know or understand WHAT communism is..
It show such a horrible lack of intelligence.
The conversation around this is disgusting. “This historically extremely racist media company is erasing it’s racist past!” WOOOOO! This conversation is fucking gross. Disney is still a company grounded in racism. Fuck y’all for supporting them no matter what. This isn’t a win. This is y’all not giving a fuck about…
And they re-released in theaters in 1986! I remember my grandpa taking me to see it.
Thanks, I didn't need to sleep tonight.
That is why they can never show their face anywhere in public in NV. They are what is knows as “welfare ranchers” which basically means they don’t pay grazing fees for their cattle, while other responsible ranchers cover the tab. Like the American people cover the bill for Amazon, GE, etc.
You’re just missing the louder dog whistle. That one is clearly saying “YOU NEED TO GO BUY MORE GUNS TO PROTECT YOURSELF” to the audience, who are already inclined to do that, and just needed a little push.
Meals on wheels are clearly out here thuggin’. /s
You could just shorten that and simply say: they believe rights are for whites.
Well, it is the language the Bible was written in.
Let’s also recall the fact that conservative demi-god Ronald Reagan supported gun control measures as the Governor of California because the Black Panthers were armed and...distributing free breakfasts to their communities.
Yeah, this once again comes down to the fact that in the conservative mind, protesters who challenge police brutality challenge the state, while protesters who challenge wearing face masks are the state. The beauty of being white in America, in the Fox News mindset, is that every white then has the privilege to claim l…
What about Cliven Bundy and his clan? Fox tried to turn those seditious pricks into folk heroes.
That the NRA and its members and supporters are total fucking racists should surprise absolutely no one at all. One of only two times they have supported a weapons ban was when the Black Panthers took up arms in the 1960's.
We’ve got Susans and Beckies and Karens. What are Kellies? They have to be something, because there are just soooo many horrible white women named Kelly out there.
Two days after Bundy supporters began their armed occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in 2016, the following item scrolled repeatedly on the chyron during Fox and Friends:
“What is the purpose of tweeting the video?”