
He cheaply used it a few months ago with the death of Agent Triplett on AoS. I don't remember an article like this after that. I haven't watched most of his shows or Shonda's, but this article doesn't pass the sniff test even if it might make a couple of valid observations, oddly about her only.

Serenity was the follow up to end Firefly, so it counts to me. Wash and Book were significant. That's 2 people in 14 episodes and one 2 hour movie. , so maybe just say not significant to YOU.

Hell, this article should be about Nolan, not Shonda. I've never heard about her killing a character just because the actor wanted what they were promised, and what many other actors in that same role would normally get.

Clearly you don't keep up with the news. The "catwoman" comment came from the network president as the verbatim reason why Nolan wanted to kill off Carter. So please put your sexism card back in your pocket.

"Sometimes the death of a character is planned out and earned (like
Person of Interest, despite what all the shippers cry about on Facebook)"

True. He did liven things up. They should find a way to bring him back—and don't kill Mack if Trip comes back. Pathetic I should have to say that but considering the fact that killing off Trip was a trope…

Except for killing Trip. That was stupid.

I'm pissed they killed off Trip and kept Ward alive. Trip was awesome. That is all.

Yes. I don't understand their thinking. Andy and Holly are okay, but they were being featured like they were the main characters of the show. It's like they spend 80% of their time now on characters that don't mean that much to me, and the other 20% with characters I actually want to see more of. And they've been

But he wasn't the other man. Unless James lied about it, he wasn't in a relationship with Jessica. They just did it sometimes and that's all.

I loved the mexico plotline. It was the Marney craziness that I couldn't stand, and seeing how it ended with Jesus' death, that just made it all the worse. Worst plotline of the show. Even beats raping werepanthers.

Were they actually a couple tho? I remember James saying that he wanted to be with her but that they were just roomies that had sex from time to time. That sounds more like friends with benefits than boyfriend/girlfriend to me.

No, he shouldn't have apologized, and especially not profusely.

Well I don't know if he was in the wrong because she wasn't really james' girlfriend tho. Still, points to La for laying it all out there for her. It's like he's too much man and woman for anybody to handle.

Amen. Missed opportunities.

I wish they'd done a scene with Jesus. They kept flirting around it, but never went there. Oh well.

LOL!!! Too true. XD

And I don't.

Just know that Person of Interest starts going off in crazy directions by the end of season 2 and it only gets worse. So, if you liked season one and most of season 2, you can stop there like a lot of people have.

You forget that lots of people of differing races have had a lot of issues with them killing off Carter, not just the blacks. Just look at their Facebook page. All of those angry faces aren't black. Why? Because it was a poor choice, and I think they will pay for it in due time.