Justice For Baby Sara

I think they were counting on his naivete but the Meachums have no excuse for falling for it.

Fairly easy prediction to make given the nature of genre TV, I would've thought.

"I'm the fastest man in this s-"
"Yo yo, what up Barry?"
"… Damn it, Wally!"

Yes. They're equal opportunity arachnids.

Noooo… don't give the D's Of The D to Buck…

At which point he'll presumably squeal "Neat!" and immediately proceed to add the sticker to the collection underneath his desk.

Pre-Luke Cage Danny, in other words.

They probably didn't have that movie on his earth, or one of the leads was a superintelligent gorilla or something.

I've yet to watch this episode but I can't believe they passed up the chance to entitle it "Ka Ra Land".

They seem to have had no problem with employing Dean Cain.

Sorry about that. I read your original post and got the wrong idea.

in reality they don't know what they're missing

That's interesting that DD is the other show you found sub-par in that other commenters have fingered Luke Cage and my personal least favourite was JJ. I guess the different shows covered a lot of different bases and variations in expected audience.

Colleen sounds like an Irish name rather than British. It can be two things however.

It was clearly an (unsuccessful and ham-handed) attempt to tie Fist in with the world of Daredevil but all I could think back to is that terrible article Karen wrote.

Bigger hands.

Ideally they could have had Kung Fu/Arrow style flashbacks scattered liberally throughout the episodes

I can't even remember the names of the other six cities. Except Shangri-La. That was probably one. And Brigadoon.

It was vanilla ice cream.

The candy makes his cavities ache where the gold fillings used to be.