Justice For Baby Sara

Get outta town. While Arrow can't even reveal the Vigilante ID until next season Agents is fitting three arcs into twenty-two episodes. It's one of the least filler comics-based shows on network TV.

They had someone who acted like a ten-year-old in the boardroom… does that count?

This came up on one of the other episode threads. Marvel would likely retcon the heck outta a Shang-Chi show and replace Fu with Madame Gao.

Hey, don't knock it. Arnee became the governor of California simply by lifting things. ;)

Ah, yeah. The guy I was thinking of is more of a wacky knight anyway.

Blackcurrant Sky flavour.

You mean he's like Justin Hammer only with less dancing and smaller hands?

There was one particularly large gaping plothole which seemed to go nowhere…

Steel Serpent… it's a hell of a drug.

She exudes patience and benevolence with a slight hint of amusement. Brilliant villain performance.

Number 5: mind blown…

Your profile pic would probably one punch KO him, like it was a parodic anime.

I was thinking shirtless Harpo

He's used to having fake tattooes drawn on his body…

And a different showrunner perhaps. #chuckthebuck

"I thought he was with you!"

And "Manc"-iest accent.

Oh-hohohoooo… DD #174's Kirigi just lost his crown. (Does Elektra count?)

I didn't make the wacky lord comparison until you mentioned it but speaking as a Brit it makes sooo much sense.

- Fisting The Night Away
- Don't Eat The Brown M&M's
- Thing Of Iron