Justice For Baby Sara

It can be two things.

Or your budget and timescale.

Stop the hate scififlixfan. AOS has improved a lot recently.

With an 86% user review score you can't help but think that Netflix should'a sent the whole show out for review instead of the more boring first half.

Kevin? Are you talking about Kyle?

The prog-rock album cover in question is Yes's Fragile, right?

Luke and Danny are like the Richard Pryor/Gene Wilder of the Marvel comics universe.

Ghost Dad is even called Harry.

The sparring scene seemed to have come straight out of The Mask Of Zorro.

I don't disagree with your wider point, but using a SE Asian organisation seemed to me like a bad example of how Asians don't necessarily differentiate between different regions.

Maybe the Buck should have stopped there.

ASEAN suggests South-east Asian, a lot different to South Asian (eg).

Regarding Harold… I was not aware that iZombie's Max Rager also came in a Lite version.

Savi-who? lol

He must have been as horrified as I was.

When I heard Franz's plummy British accent I was horrified to think he was one of those stage school kids who really talks like Carlton in Fresh Prince.

"One miniaturized step for man…"

Or just buy the series on DVD. Although watching themselves decline and eventually get cancelled may create a time paradox that'll swallow the Berlantiverse whole. Especially if "then" becomes "now".


Bambi's mom?