Justice For Baby Sara

"Plot lack-of-armor"

You should try the JLD cartoon. It even stars Matt Ryan!

The 1964-model X-Men have been stuck in the present-day Marvel comics universe for five years now without it collapsing like an underdone soufflé. I'm sure the Legends crew'll find a way to hang onto Maisie should she prove popular enough.

Unfortunately there don't seem to be many video game players on this page to upvote you Micheál.

I guess it was worth a Schott.

Does this mean they're going to keep bringing in different versions of Jimmy until they get it right? Canonically they have thousands to choose from if you count all those Turtle Boy etc variants. He could be the new HR Wells.

DeMatteis himself wrote an episode in which Guy Gardner was felled by one punch from Batman.

It just seems further because of the crazy traffic is my guess.

The second line should perhaps say "I'm one of the fastest men alive" but that'd screw with the scansion.

That may have been Savitar too. The others should've been looking out for him.

Didn't he get enough practice from standing around watching Zoom kill his dad?

TV shows that aren't iZombie, maybe. That show has just the right mix of continuity and case-of-the-week episodicity.

He saw Iris was missing the ring in the future and worked it out from there.

Turning his suit telemetry off so they couldn't track him was also pretty dumb but I'm putting that down to Savitar influencing his actions.

To be fair, he couldn't even save his dad from Zoom last season because he stood around like a chump so there's at least precedent for this.

As far as I can determine the term rogues' gallery has been around since at least the 1860s. I think Dick Tracy's was the first in comics. Flash's is much more diverse than his TV equivalent though.

Erm, did I just see the ship go through a catastrophic crash landing in the Cretaceous era with only Sara and Ray strapped in? They should've been peeling the remainder of the crew off the ceiling and walls. Waverider's inertial dampeners must've been working overtime, lol.

Odin: "For Asgard!" Thor: "For Midgard!" Loki: "For myself!"

It looks like we won't find out who Vigilante is until next season.