Justice For Baby Sara

Cam Welsh is a guy, not a girl.

In the beginning he was stuck in the armour permanently. Lee was going for the tragic monster element.

I used to until I heard an interview with him.

You're not the only one. Iris understands too.

Barry is the one narrating and as far as he knows R-Flash is pushing up the daisies.


And he gets to punch Hulk through a castle wall. Puny gamma monster…

Unfortunately unlike WB Marvel don't seem interested in expanding their universe via animation. DC have adapted a bunch of recent classics with varying amounts of success while Disney seem interested only in making cartoons for the ADHD generation.

I want my Sharon Rogers cameo. Even MFF isn't allowed a Doom character which is bad news all around, though.

His power is Asgardian in origin. (Well, strictly speaking it came from Karnilla, Queen Of The Norns and… and I'll just stop talking now.)

You have to have the walls and ceiling in place before you can start putting the furniture and TV in.

If they still have Neal McDonough under contract the only comics characters he plays have the initials DD so he should be a shoo-in for either part.

Poor Fabian Stankiewicz. Another character played entirely for laughs.

I get the feeling Death has been reading the competition's books and decided to go full Vertigo in that book.

Justice for Baby Sara!

You forgot Thea and DJ assassin guy who went on to star in MTV's Shannara Chronicles… but to be fair he was very forgettable.

This sounds so much like it could be a plot from the current Squirrel Girl comic.

I guess I'm going to be "that guy" but why didn't Nate just rip up the tracks so the train derailed instead of standing in front of it like a chump?

I think Rudy said something about his DNA being changed by the worm and that they turned into a new hybrid organism. Don't think it was supposed to be as simple as pulling it out of his ear although that would have led to a far superior story.

At least they have an alternate source of metahumans now. That strange little girl who was attempting to use powers to deflect an incoming vehicle is an obvious candidate, lol.