Justice For Baby Sara

Peek-A-Boo wasn't really evil either.

Franz Drameh's line delivery makes Lonsdale's sound like Olivier's* in comparison.

It was alien Aldebaranian ale, not alcohol. Specially designed to affect Kryptonians.

Finding Dory, Zootopia and Civil War disagree with your assessment Zack. BvS had a big opening weekend, then people began to discover how good the movie wasn't.

If it's the Neversoft game from 2000 a lot of those truncated villain voices were courtesy of Daran Norris of Cliff McCormack and Johnny Frost fame.

What this show needs is another evil speedster villain. That would really shake it up.

Enough with the ice jokes already.

Oops I mean a DC Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. I am an idiot.

They did a cartoon DC Waiting For Godot already in Justice League Unlimited S01E07: The Greatest Story Never Told.

Does that include the writers of the show who clearly intended Marsdin to be an idealised Hillary analogue?

"Angryman garbage". I wish I had a thousand upvotes to give you.

Sorry as ever for horribly late and irrelevant response but it was Claremont who had Wolvie's body magically regenerate from a drop of blood with help from a magic M'Kraan crystal. I guess later writers were taking their lead from him.

Nightwing was originally designed to have a modular costume with long sleeves for winter etc but I guess they simplified it when it turned out that no one but George PĂ©rez could draw the original disco version.

But how does she know that the other timeline's Joe didn't come clean with her about her mom in the first place?

Are they going to rename Alchemy's weapon The Sorceror's Stone in case any young viewers get confused?

Friendzone? Surely James got kicked to the Super Friend Zone!

Well, that's America's killer clown problem taken care of.

If Hillary defeats The Donald and then gets impeached the US might end up with the best of both worlds.

Great shades of Elvis!

I got dizzy during the scene where they plan their assault on Krall's base and they continually pan around six or seven characters. Also, definitely too much shaky cam in the fight scenes.