
I just watched Chappie ..mainly because of the horrible reviews.

You can repent by doing a thousand squats.

Mmmmm all I’m seeing is Death by Snu Snu.

I apologize for ever suggesting that Street Fighter games showed unrealistic depictions of women’s bodies.

Considering Genysis did a pretty bang up job erasing her significance from the timeline...I am not the least bit surprised they wouldn’t bother trying to keep the new Sarah Connor around.

Or “Can it eat me?”.

I hope so! I am a big proponent of exploring Venus. Not only because it’s basically our planet’s crazy doppleganger, but c’mon people, cloud city.

Jurassic World sucked except for the parts that made you smile and remember how much fun you had watching Jurassic Park.

It’s just getting so far from the original themes and into generic stupid blockbuster territory. The sense of wonder, the themes, all just wasted on loud ‘run and gun’ filmmaking full of bad jokes and meaningless CGI spectacle.

I’m skipping it in the theater for the same reason.

LOL Our planet survived a meteor impact that killed the dinosaurs. Hell our planet has been through alot of shit. Saying we’re killing our planet is ridiculously lazy use of words. It might be better to say “We’re making our planet inhospitable for human life” Then you MIGHT be more accurate. However, I find that a

Actually not true. We are not “killing out planet”. The planet will go on just fine without us. Even if lots of animals we recognize die off they will be replaced by new ones we don’t recognize. Life on Earth will continue just fine.

The majority of the planet won’t take a hit to living standards. Most of the planet has absolutely shit living standards/conditions. What you mean is ALL of the developed “first-world” countries would have to get down to everyone else’s level. It’s greed that drives the destruction of the planet. If it was somehow

Building a simple ecosystem from scratch is actually quite a bit easier than attempting to correct an incredibly complex ecosystem that’s careening wildly off-course. Plus, repairing Earth is not a substitute for terraforming other planets. If we truly want to preserve Earth, it’s best to live elsewhere so we can

Thanks. Great example on how scientific thought can be as close-minded as religious belief.

Yeah, the rules they made up determining if an object is a planet are kind of inconsistent and silly. So I’m right there it’s you. But, whatever, in the end it really doesn’t matter. They’re all arbitrary human guidelines on what to call something.

No we don’t know that. What we know is that our nearby planets are not conducive to life AS WE KNOW IT. Why is the assumption that all life will be just like life on earth? Life as we KNOW it is mostly carbon base and needs liquid water.