Truth. It hurts more than a democratic trying to explain to a republican why global warming is real.
Truth. It hurts more than a democratic trying to explain to a republican why global warming is real.
“Cock-eyed Nipples!”
You try too hard but are too easily defeated. Does it comfort you to know that despite your efforts you will still never have sex with her ( while knowing for 3k she will fuck because she is an escort ).
She’s a self indulgent whore who panders to any camera on her. Of course you won’t say anything negative, you hope you’ll make it back safe. While the rest of us know you won’t ... How is Cheerlead Practice, meat?
This is the type of shit that Jessica and her slack jawed friends would okay in our community. Remove teh false flesh
It’s hard to pull off a cock sucking monster when your inspiration is a cum guzzling whore.
She buys everything pre-made. How is that cosplay?
A paid online escort like Jessica and you dare to call her a cosplayer? Do you know for a few hundred she would dress like ANYTHING?! How can you claim a person of such selfish desires coudl want more from life?!
Paid cos players make more money than the 2-3 people who try at home.
Big Boobs = Tickets
I use to pander to paid cosplayers. Until I realized they took money from the pocket of true cosplayers. Once you make 3k through cosplay then you can talk to me above Cosplay. Obvisously, you’ve never viewed the stats.
I am a GREAT PERSON. I hope fakes get what they deserve.
Nigri is just a pandering whore. I cannot wait for someone to pull her top off. Once those big tits are exposed for the cock-eyed nipples they are she will lose fans. ~ Jessica worked in a strip club briefly before trying modeling ~
No they’re not. Most Blizzard fans spend a couple hundred if they’re lucky. Jessca Nigri spent over 5K on her costume. Who should be advertised?Guess who will be Advertised? Jessica. Your logic failed.
“A Game” is a way of saying a paid cosplayer. We hope paid cosplayers do not make it to the rest of our conventions. Otherwise it will get filled with bimbos with big tits who did not making it in the modeling world.
100% of the “professional” costumes are paid for by Blizzard. Jessica Nigri is an example. She’s a paid camslut who pretends to be a regular cosplayer. One day the females will rise and cunts making money off big tits will no longer have a place in our world.
Fuck off for being a pandering shill. Jessica will never rise in the geek world. WE ALL KNOW SHE IS A FAKE!