
Yeah, the author above is totally off base. Ben found work outside Bailey's purview, making Maggie's 'check yo self' to Ben erroneous and making Riggs' 'cringe inducing' meddling with Bailey appropriate.

Don't check twitter

Sudoku is so addictive.

Recall Kevin similarly 'protesting' alongside Westboro Baptist with placards saying things such as 'dick tastes yummy' and 'God hates rainy days and Mondays.'

I found it informative that they're not looking to take good people's guns, just bad people's.
You would think that would have come up before.

"a “Would You Rather?” scenario that ticks off every box on Philip’s retirement wish list—"


[Also white guy] Cosby show landed with extra impact for me, but just as a solid sitcom. It landed extra because my parents gave the TV to Goodwill when I entered elementary school, and we didn't get one again until middle school when we convinced mom it would used exclusively for our new Commodore 64 [educational].

That Nina Simone movie was a hoot and a holler.

Where did those statements come from? Not from this article or this discussion, so far as I can tell. Are they just the imagined narrative you assign to anyone you plan to dismiss and stigmatize?
Are you under the impression that the world breaks down into either people who think all of those exacts things constantly

I think your content might be narrower than mine. I'm not talking about a specific legislative initiative. I'm talking about a larger dynamic of interest groups decrying inequality until they obtain power, then turning into that same judgmental and marginalizing shits they were railing against beforehand.

Yes, intolerance [rolleyes], . . . and bigotry, and misogyny, and racism, NO!! VIRULENT racism, . . . and ALLLLLL the phobias. . . . All the blanket generic emotionally loaded phrases you toss like a giant Snuggy over every argument you don't want to face substantively.

What is 'going so poorly?'

1. I'm not one for zero sum politics in general.
2. Your position is just fine for a 'gay power' advocate [or any 'power'], not so much for an equality advocate

Oh fer fuck's sake. Dangerous information leading to white supremacy. It's television. You sound like Tipper Gore bitching about Prince turning teens into sex fiends.

I have no problem whatsoever with standing up to people who actively seek to deprive others. But what was being discussed above was a relative muttering about 'dumb ideas' and what is showing on TV monitors in public establishments.

You're the one simultaneously stating;
1) whatever opinions you falsely attribute to me are universally reviled and 'everyone' is tired of them.
2) the presence of Fox news needs to be aggressively stigmatized and actively driven from the public eye.
3) no one is actually squelching opinion because Fox news is in no

You sound hateful

You're a fucking idiot with zero reading comprehension.
I'm defending letting people live their lives, and pointing out the irony of someone who once professed to have a similar aim changing their tune when given voice and power.

You don't know shit about me. But you sure have your stereotype all worked out.