
It's not like he got comped tickets to Hamilton or something.

And the screeners somehow ended up on Hillary's homebrew bathroom server.

A, perhaps obtuse, attempt at a joke.

I don't 'like her,' like her. I just like her as a Fran.

Even beyond the unwanted BJ and the subsequent wreck and erection shaming and all that, don't let it pass that she 'dropped' "Jessa fucked Adam" like it was the bombshell to end all, despite her just blowing still stuck on Marnie, and long time dating Shosh, Ray. And she dropped this ON RAY!!

Why would you want her to get everything she wants [present tense]. All indications are that she will resent it in a couple months and blame everyone involved in her getting what she wants for her unhappiness in the then present.

This actually comes from Dunham, not the narrative. But Fran was supposed to be this 'seemingly' nice and well-adjusted guy who faked his niceness because he derived pleasure from treating Hannah as a project to be tutored and enjoyed his air of superiority as bemused, baffled witness to Hannah's mess of a life.


Perhaps Bill Cosby is a political statement about a popular comedian steadfastly refusing to conform to our requirements for 'dating.'

Even Michael Scott could sell paper.

Or Wanda Sykes is there just in time to shake her head and cluck.

Don't touch the top of my head. . .

I think there is something to the symbiosis between Hannah and Lena and the question of how aware the author/character are of Hannah's flaws.
What makes the show irritating AND interesting is that it's written with little asides that seem to make it achingly clear that the writers know how gawdawful Hannah can be at

I had a strong Always Sunny vibe off the last episode. As in it hit me right there in the middle of the episode that I'd rather put up with the AS gang's cycle of doo-doo than the Girls circle.

I caught both this and Undeclared [sort of] bingey when one of my OTA sub-channels started carrying good stuff. Also ripped through all of All in the Family, The Larry Sanders Show and News Radio. Pretty decent freebie of the digitization of the airwaves. I think the sub-channel turned itself into Crackle online

I think she still has issues fitting acting into her personal makeup, as the last major role I recall was the divorce lawyer friend in Girlfriend's Guide who she asked to be written out of. To be fair, it was an odd fit for her, a shark attorney in a Sex in the City situation.

White people problems, . . . amirite?!?!?

Would that it whuuurrrr suh-simple. . . trippingly.

Undetermined stone fruit

Still have my MPC models, including the original issue Millennium Falcon.