Eyes on the ball, now
Eyes on the ball, now
Ten dollars says she didn’t even know that until last week.
is like saying that professional basketball goals will be worth four points
Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.
I have no remorse for this criminal that assaulted a woman, almost ran over a good Samaritan while committing an illegal act. Fuck him and honestly, fuck you for trying to defend him.
Screw police dogs. We need police cats.
So, towards the end of the article, the Zimbabwe situation was mentioned. To be clear, the government of Zimbabwe fucked this up bad, and in the process destroyed a huge part of the economy. White farm-owners got nothing, black farm-getters were not properly screened or trained to see if they knew how to —you know—…
I agree with your first take. Disagree with your second take. People who were born there are South African citizens. That genie is already out of the bottle. The land seizing however is definitely justice.
Psst! *looks around, leans in* None of this is supposed to accomplish anything. He’s just trying to look busy and important until the whole thing blows over
Jesus Christ is it 1993 still? Hasn’t this “link” been debunked numerous times by now, if I recall right, if anything violent games act as more of a release for pent up aggression. But by all means, lets point fingers at pointless topics to obfuscate the real issue. I’m so sick of all this #winning...
Maybe a meeting with Molyneux could create an ouroboros of lies so unending we won’t hear from either ever again?
Dave Bliss was so disgraced he had to go to the one place he knew he could get a job - a red-state Bible college.
This is the most amazing section:
the two things that is criminally under reported is (1) the shooter literally carved swastikas into the side of his gun and (2) the school has a very large jewish population
It was soooooo gross, so called adults acting like that.
Chelsea got a lot of hideous commentary about how ugly she was. Malia is straight up getting narced on.
It definitely has the feel of setting him up for a defense later: “If this young woman had made no errors in putting her child into this car seat, it’s technically possible the baby might have survived the 90+ MPH car crash, even though that exceeds the safety rating of nearly any consumer-grade car seat. So, it’s…
The Bush twins got their fair share of tabloid coverage but I think they even admitted to being wild and kinda looking for it. I am pretty sure Chelsea was so boring that they had to make stuff up.
When I saw this the first time around on Monday, I only had one sentiment:
The secret is to replace butter with “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Phenazapam”.
Barron Trump is supposedly a huge soccer fan. I would be less surprised if Trump conditions the bid on his son being able to play on the US national team than if he were to chuck the bid altogether.