
Since this is about twitter, I still love the explanation of an “electronic letter” in the first couple seasons. I really liked Ms Calendar. But Nicolas Brendon is dead to me now like Danny Masterson and Buffy, Angel, and 70s show all came out of my list.

They could take all the money and convert each team’s cheerleaders to straight community outreach. You could use the same women, plus even hire ugly people with the additional money. Eliminate any time required for practicing ass shaking or makeup AND let the players determine the specific activities of the group, but

Thank you. I’ve actually seen people try to use these funds and organizations to invest in Life Science endowments, get matching state/federal funds, and somehow extract equity or just use the charities liquid assets as collateral for a biotech startup. This is the need for double layers, the second company has a

You can’t abolish it or you get the same result as prohibition. Violent people are going to violent in America.

What is the reaction time for the dog changing its mind and attacking something else. The whole 2 seconds at 20 feet to draw a pistol and fire. Last time I checked that dog can kill in an instant and is probably more dangerous than any single unarmed person at that distance. Shooting in both cases is not the right

I have no problems shooting a dog, they aren’t all perfect. Did you grow up in the country? I have been around a pack of 80 fox hounds eating on a dead horse. Also lost two 4H pigs to a pack of roving wild dogs.

So I’m not the only one who sat on a bench outside the fitting room reading these.

I had a student that couldn’t pass a physical for football. So he started training MMA in 2010, before big CTE publicity. I politely asked why, he didn’t want to live in a trailer with 10 people. Could barely write.

I felt a change at some point after Junie appeared on TUF. They became more WWE and rolled out characters. Putting him in that house was just fucking stupid. Then the fake ass stare downs started occuring. These fighters have to sacrifice and play the fool.

Who would have thought that the New York media, Fox, and ESPN would have created a mythical character around a sucessful local boy that is a serial gift bagger. No way America would fall for that crap.

I’ve read your stuff. Thanks for this, context is everything. Anecdote, I quit and cord cut but my uncle went the opposite so net they increased in my family.

The first pro football player I ever met was Jim Otto. At his McDonald’s in Rocklin or Auburn. He could not walk but I got a picture. The damage of the NFL is intense both physically and racially. Reid and the other players walking away is smart. The NFL looks years down the road at protecting their financial interest.

Nothing ever happened to them? I mean scoreboard: Trump, Clinton, reality TV ... This is my personal axe, but back to Eric Reid. I don’t watch my team anymore but I still root for him, Kaep, and my relevant hero Borland. Turning down money from the NFL shows character.

I know that my smartphone has more than twitter and a pinned tab of Fox News. Donald on the other hand might not. Based on his eating habits and mental state I’m pretty sure he would immediately think Mac and Cheese or American processed cheese product Singles.

I asked this question cause I don’t know about the inner city, but I know rural. My bestie died of cirrhosis at 38 recently. I actually asked his parents about looking into CTE. I met him after a shoulder block in flag football took him out. Then at least 3 times a slow-pitch softball.

You know it was like:

Every advancement of mankind is about seeing porn: fire at night, cave paintings, print, movies, the color version, etc. People keeping talking about puke being a problem in shared autonomous cars. But I think you are right, don’t touch the door handles.

What do you think the effect of pop warner, high school, and college ball have on the players and audience. It seems like the places where people are still into football may want to do something else. Looking at you Florida and Ohio. Certain people get enjoy watching other’s hurt themselves. Like Jauncho said college

And literally got a ring stolen off his finger by Putin in public.

It was interesting and deep. But I’m going with correlation not causation as time progresses. I like Tony W’s point that there is an ebb and flow to what side Off/Def has the strategy or rule advantage and adoption rate of said strategy. Mid 80s defense was king with game managers like Sims, Rypien, McMahon. 2000s: