
I said she’s chubby, which she is. There was even a controversy that her non-winter skin made her look too skinny because she’s supposed to be chubby. If you want to talk about ignorance how about using a modern day reality based tactical shooter as an example against a colorful sci-fi arcade shooter. Lol,

Wow, so people must be afraid if they don’t buy an iPhone? wtf.

Zarya, Symmettra, Sombra, Pharah, and Ana all seem to fall out of the TnA category there. Even D.Va’s primary form is a big fat robot and Mei is a chubby girl in winter gear even if she is well endowed under it. Roadhog, junkrat, and Hanzo are the characters that show the most skin in the game. In fact, butt poses

It would be like a game where you peek through someone’s window to learn about them. So yes you’ll be learning about this person, but you’re also being a gigantic creep. This almost seems like a stalker trainer. “Oh yeah find their forum posts for more information! Pose as them to get even more information.”

I think you still missed the point.

I think her problem is that he face has a really unfortunate habit of inflating. Or maybe rather even a small amount of fluctuation in her hydration leads to noticeable differences in how she looks. It’s like this chubby kissy face. Sometimes I see pictures of her and her face is almost unrecognizable yet her body

Am I the only one that thought Argo was mediocre and extremely cheesy at times? Oh god, when the guy works up the courage to explain the movie to the guards I got douche chills. It doesn’t help that I had already read the article the movie was based on and knew how much fake stuff they put in there to make it more

The guy isn’t saying Marvel hasn’t failed. He’s saying DC hasn’t succeed in a big way recently. Their last critical success was Nolan’s Batman, and that universe doesn’t exist anymore.

I never got this. I don’t want unique games that I had to play on a handheld. The switch is closer to what I want, the ability to play my games on the go.

Russia is in Asia.

I feel like Japan can no longer feel superior to us because of Trump.

Innovation for the sake of innovation is dumb imo. That’s how you end up with Nintendo’s endless stream of bad ideas that get tossed to the side as they produce more and more gimmicks like dangling keys to distract their dwindling user base. People want fun games, not random form factors and control schemes. The 3d

If you only intend to own one console then those cross-platform games are essentially exclusives.

Safe to say that the multiple time line thing is impossible now since various narratives have converged or crossed paths at least after this last episode.

That’s assuming VR CAN keep pace. It’s possible that no matter how advanced vr becomes it’ll never match real life. If for example they’re never able to connect directly with the brain to create sensations and and all you can get is increasing visual/audio fidelity, it’s not going to be able to compete with the feel

There’s also the Asian tourists in the background just enjoying a shot of whiskey.

It was one of the highest selling ppvs of the year.

They’re not the last line of moral defense against the corruption of children. It’s a form a self regulation by the industry to keep the government from getting involved. There are games kids shouldn’t be playing.

That would be Castlevania 2 no?

Don’t worry, most of the stuff you want will be in the next Splatoon being released near launch for the NX. You’ll be a little mad at first, but you’ll just let them do it.