
Winston wrecks Genji’s.

You’re basically asking them to undo the nerfs they put in because she was OP.

Of course they have lots to show. They’re delaying the game because the Wii-U is tanking and they’re hoping they can boost sales of whatever their next system is. Just like Twilight Princess. I wouldn’t be surprised if the game was already finished. They don’t care about the people waiting and they don’t have to care

Nice cop-out by Fox. “She doesn’t represent us, we told her she was wrong. She’s not currently scheduled to do any work for us.” (Which was probably true before the controversy) I imagine if she said something about gay people she would have been ejected into outer space by now. Mexicans, Asians, and Jews? Nah.

Give winston a shot. He dominates Tracer.

Wasn’t the rumor that Goodell has gotten a couple of ESPN reporters fired in the last couple of years?

You’re falling for the lie that Dana White does all this. He’s just a front man there to absorb criticism from people like you.

I’m pretty sure if their metrics showed that people gave a shit about battleborne, they would be pushing more battleborne content out. Kotaku isn’t generating interest in overwatch with it’s coverage, Kotaku is increasing their coverage because the level of interest.

Or maybe it’s more like “boo everyone likes it I need to show everyone how special I am by saying the opposite!” It’s not for everyone. Once you play more games you’ll understand that every game isn’t for everyone and that when people disagree with you it isn’t some kind of mob mentality or a king’s new wardrobe

Weird coincidence, but TS2 was the last multiplayer FPS that I spent any time on as well.

I was in the same boat. Not my genre, not my play style. The thing that got me really hooked was playing with a group of friends. about 95% of my playtime in the beta was in groups of three or more. With the small team sizes, your group of 3 was 50% of the team and it really felt like you could influence the match by

Well what they usually do is give the data away for free. Then those companies give them things in appreciation. So they’re not selling it right? Also if they’re not sharing that data with their partners, what exactly are their partners not sharing? It would seem to suggest that they are at the very least sharing that

It’s a type of trolling. I’ve noticed a trend in cheaters where they talk crap while being very bad till someone bites and calls them out on being bad themselves. Then the cheats go on and they go god mode for a minute. Then they switch to someone else and start sucking again and claim it’s only because they’re trying

The only people I’ve ever accused of cheating weren’t just because they were good. Some times they were pretty bad in general. It was usually for stuff like seeing the targeting reticle snap to multiple heads by a player that only seems to be able to do this during major pushes, but otherwise keeps missing. The

It’s a team game so it’s completely possible that you got 15 kills with no deaths but didn’t help your team as much as a character that did 2 kills but played the objective.

If you already went through with this whole thing with Twilight Princess and you still supported them... you kind of deserve this.

Doesn’t this all seem familiar? Reminds me of twilight princess. “Oh no, we’re not delaying it because the gamecube is dying and we want to promote a new system, what new system?” Then eventually “Oh no, it’s not that, it’s just that the wii opens up so many new possibilities we’d like to incorporate to make the

Titan is now Overwatch, so it didn’t actually totally get scrapped.