
Five new movies? Five? One wonders what the other four were going to be about. My guess is, number five is the romantic story of the patriarch Methuselah being sneakily seduced by JonBenet Ramsey.

I don’t know. I think the guy has some really fresh takes on Relationships and I’ve really enjoyed his last few movies and what do you mean it isn’t 1976? Have I been asleep this whole time? 

Woody Allen: making the same fucking movie since 1979!

I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when he pitched this movie.

Never thought I could possibly side with Woody Allen. But he has a point. There was nothing new in the allegations and movies about fucking teens has always been prominent among the six types of films he made.

It’s a solid - if distasteful - legal position. Nobody can say they didn’t know all the history already, nevertheless Amazon’s legal dept signed off on this deal.

69%, surely

any store with that sign would instantly gain a customer in me. I love fuckin' sales!

Meh, Japanese people wear t-shirts with strange English.”

Oh my fucking god. So getting Japanese characters tattoo’d on you is now cultural appropriation?

Get the fuck out of here.

Look, we’ve all laughed at those people who got a Chinese character tattoo that thought it meant “spirit” or something, but it instead meant “soup”. But thats about the extent of it. The person

Uproar over cultural appropriation is BS 99% of the time. I think culture if too often conflated with ethnicity as well. It’s natural for culture to spread.

I like this one. It always seems like those not involved or affected in any way are the ones making the biggest stink about things. Im gonna go ahead and appropriate this quote.

By the time I was 16, I’d endured years of: misogynistic tirades from my father who called me a prostitute when I was in second grade (learned a new word that day!); ongoing paranoia from both my parents that I’d have sex despite not knowing what sex was at the time (lower elementary school); bullying at school from

No, no I don’t. Like I’ve already said MULTIPLE TIMES now “if he had requested that she videotape it but not forward it to him but instead contact the police”, there is no way in hell a defense attorney is going to be able to convince a judge or jury that a video caught on a cell phone from an undisclosed area in her

I agree with nerdybirdy that the best thing to do is go straight to the police and not try to conduct your own sort of vigilante sting operation.

welcome back

Oh wow!  “Fairness”! How Awful!  The next thing the FOX network will be complaining about is how some people  have been brought up to expect “Liberty” and “Justice For All”.

Im also curious what is so fucking horrible about fairness?

Yeah, I love it when the older generation criticizes the younger one as if they had nothing to do with it. These kids aren’t giving themselves participation trophies....

“The idea of fairness has been promoted in our schools for a long time and we’re starting to see kids who grow up in this notion that fairness above all,” Payne told the hosts. “And now they’re becoming voting age and they’re bringing this ideology with them.”