They do like to act like they had no part in our participation in the slave trade tho!
Because you have schools teaching that it was about state’s rights and calling it the war of northern aggression. I’ve have heard this bullshit more times than I care to count.
This is why I never get excited that Trump will get thrown in jail and/or impeached. There are so many ways he can try to get out of it. We’ll see what happens.
The check looked sketchy alright; it was in the hand of a Black man.
Saw #MeToo and a pic of Idris and about had a heart attack. So thanks for that.
*Bracing myself for the “why is it okay to take down statues of Confederate “heroes” but not Frederick Douglass?” hot takes*
This administration has always been really shitty with their cover-ups.
Emotionally immature. When they can’t name their emotions, when they can’t process actions and consequences beforehand, they count on silly gestures they’ve seen in movies. Ignorance and crassness that is unsupervised and met wth lazy, unwarranted loyalty and it’s easy to see they’re being manipulated by the…
Fucking typical. Man steals important moment, makes it about him or inserts himself (like the guy who proposes when his girlfriend just completed a marathon or won an Olympic medal). And now she’s forced to take the high road and be the better person, when she did nothing wrong.
I was thinking the. same. thing. I’ve lived in New York for 2 decades and haven’t heard these chants once. How am I missing out???
It’s sad that this kind of blatant racism happens just so freely now on a daily basis.
If they ain’t doing anything wrong, then what have they to hide? That is what the cops tell us, anyway. Why they so squirrelly when we turn it around on them? Anyone would think they are doing something wrong, and do have something to hide. But surely not, right?
I’m glad Temple didn’t do anything. They shouldn’t. Even if he didn’t have tenure. Universities should stand up for the free speech rights of their professors so long as that speech doesn’t break the law. His didn’t.
Hey man, AFN was our English language lifeline while serving as NATO headcount in Germany. AFN is A-OK.
Instead we’ll hear from Fox News commentators about how he failed the hostages in Iran, and that his foreign policy was soft. And that Playboy interview. Because his haters are that fucking basic.
But we can’t make Election Day a national holiday because it would be too disruptive...? smdh
This morning an Asian guy bought a car in my name and robbed a bank.
Ayanna, fix my legislation!