They are so clever in letting us know how bored they are with racist useless white women.
They are so clever in letting us know how bored they are with racist useless white women.
This is an absolute crock of shit. Ever since the damn election, these mornings have been rolling town, buying MAGA shit, and strutting around The Mall. This is annoying enough. But I’ll bet you cash money that it’s 20 blocks between the nearest hat vendor and The Yard.
Well, if they were touring DC and didn’t know what Howard U is, they’re too stupid to go to college.
Clearly their trip to D.C. wasn’t educational for them in any way. Maybe they should try reading this, wherein Heather Heyer’s cousin asks “why did it take my white, female cousin dying to get people to notice this shit?”:
You know you have low self-esteem when you have to pull stunts like this to get attention that mommy and daddy never gave you.
Their excuse is complete bullshit. Teens have been using Trump signs and MAGA hats to intimidate and antagonize PoC for a bit now, an incident like that happened here in Missouri.
“It could always be worse” is a piss poor justification for not trying to make things better here. This country can pull together and stop Hitler, put a person on the moon, and invent the microwave but living up to the ideals we were founded on is too hard? Maybe you should go to another country and we can trade for…
He’s a 20 year old.
“This city has a history of fighting back against oppression, whether it’s dumping tea in the harbor or a bunch of dudes standing around with bandannas screaming at neo-Nazis,” a 21–year–old protester nicknamed “Frosty” told The New York Times.
What about cancer? Why aren’t you out there marching to bring an end to war in Iraq, child slavery in the East, or human rights abuses on Saudi Arabia?
Black filmmakers have always been able to sell a viable product. But Hollyweird doesn’t want mainstream america to start shifting their internal dialogue from blacks are XYZ to blacks are positive contributors in society as well.
The mission of the counter-protests is to not let fucking nazis march through the street unopposed. These assholes think they can be weekend klan members and go back to their 9-5s on Monday without consequences despite showing their faces because they feel emboldened by the idiot in the White House who can’t bring…
If she ain’t mining black culture for her material, she ain’t funny. She can rightly stfu along with the other 53% who voted for that dingus.
I like Tina, but have no desire to watch the skit because I know it’s bullcrap. I am tired of being told to turn the other cheek, ignore people, be the bigger person, etc. I’m over 2520's telling us how/what we should do. I do not have time to play that ish.
This is not some sort of “temper tantrum”—these Nazis think this is war. I can only imagine that you’re telling us to ignore them because you have the privilege of being able to afford to do so. It’s not you they’re trying to murder.
An open letter to Russell Simmons,
You’re right. Because immediately post-Civil War, black folks were totally equally rewarded for their work and weren’t essentially robbed of it in a way that bordered on slavery. Also, sharecropping was totally legitimate because former slaves doing it were technically free.
“but delayed due to the acrimonious 2016 election and fears they’d appear to be cashing in on Green’s involvement.”