Cardi B's Other Shoe

The white supremacist marchers were supposedly called to Charlottesville because a statue of Robert E. Lee was removed from a public park there.

Ferguson, MO has a population of 21,000 and they somehow found cops, in riot gear no less, to deal with the peaceful protesters after the shooting of Michael Brown. I wonder if that had anything to do with the protesters at Ferguson being predominatley black?

That’s because that bitch knows EXACTLY what her son is up to. I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling but I am not at all fooled by this act.

This is cute but yall acting like these folk’s friends, family and coworkers don’t already know about their beliefs.

It’s not black people’s job to have conversations that break issues down into easily digestible parcels for you to absorb.

And tomorrow we’ll have all the posts of these people claiming they’ve been unfairly treated for their beliefs when they’re all sacked because apparently being an out and out Nazi taking part in hate marches shouldn’t have repercussions.

Just like they couldn’t believe it was happening in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and so on and so on.

How amazing that a white person views themselves as intellectually superior to a black person on the internet. And because of “profanity,” fucking really? On a GMG site you’re complaining about profanity in the comments?

As opposed to Jezebel where the language is always clean and respectable, you never call people names, (like bottom-feeder you do know that that’s calling someone a name don’t you?) and never ever do things that make WoC feel unwelcome because your intersectionality is always on point?

That’s because this shit is as real to them as Game of Thrones and Hunger Games.

Well on Jezebel’s SNS there’s a thread about how The Root’s not conciliatory enough to whites in their coverage of what happened today so... there’s that. And if that’s how supposed White allies feel I’m not very hopeful that this will open many eyes.

Based on the thread I read in Jezebel, probably not. Too busy being all up in their fee fees.

It is easier to consider the fringe and lone wolves because the powers that be do not want to ruffle their base. Remember David Dukes already sounded the reminder

If this isn’t the prime example that (white) people who say “both whites and blacks are racist” or “there’s too much hate on all sides” do so in an attempt to make light of the hateful actions and policies perpetrated by white people, then I don’t know what is. This “many sides” or “all sides” rhetoric is just like

When they go back to work on Monday, they will talk about this weekend with the same fervor they would about a bungee jumping or white water rafting trip. The thrill and energy of coming together, maybe getting a little pepper spray, standing up to cops and absolutely nothing happening to them at all that could

So, I see all these Klan members with their Confederate flags, and I think about the HBO showrunners who thought it would be a great idea to make the show: “what if the Confederacy won the Civil War?”

They know their everywhere and good Becky still fucks evil Chad and vice versa. They hate being called racist, not racism. It’s why they’re not fighting at thanksgiving.

If that didnt sink in after the election it never will, hopefully those white people will get the fuck outta the way when the real shit goes down

Why do they insist on drawing that “parallel” to Lincoln’s party when they conveniently ignore that everything the Republican party stands for today will bring America back to 1855?

“There is no place for this kind of violence in America.”