Cardi B's Other Shoe

What it is not is under the creative control of the Spellmans. It’s not their idea and they’re co-EPs not the showrunners, who have final say on everything. I wasn’t expecting Gone With the Wind but I don’t need a slightly different version of my actual everyday life. You can’t dramatize race relations when the POTUS

But that voter ID nonsense is happening in Northern states as well. From what I gather and it seems you gathered it as well, they are packaging black people’s current reality into a show and saying it’s an “alternative reality” and calling us slaves. That’s fucked up. Man in the High Castle show a completely

the fact that it seems as though wypipo would literally rather die than save themselves by upsetting the hierarchy and actually taking the suggestions of the people they are going to be hurting the quickest and the most and first.

He didn’t get a pass. He lost piles of money and spent a year and a half in a federal prison. From all accounts, Mike Vick came out of the pen having actually grown as a person. That’s what we always want prison to do and in his case it happened, yet you still don’t think he’s paid enough? May you never be defined

Is black hair welcome in professional society? Absolutely not. And that is MY point,

Vick is in no position to tell Colin Kapernick to do a damn thing vis a vis his image. Vick is busy trying to get into white people’s good graces so he can continue to damage what’s left of his brain playing football and he is doing so because he was convicted of forcing dogs to fight.

I don’t see a defense of Michael Vick so much as a condemnation of white people.

People may be allowed to care fro more than one thing but they’ve made it clear that they’re shit at doing it. White people will convict a motherfucker for killing a dog whilst allowing a killer cop to walk free.

And you make it seem that he is at fault for prioritizing the lives of human beings who as we have seen over the years been killed, harassed, denied their inalienable rights of life and liberty.

“Can you blame them on a social and personal level for having this attitude?”

My entire empire’s backbone is led by 2 of the strongest people I know and they happen to be women, my mother and sister.

And my reaction to people acting like McCain is a hero is like

So I guarantee Loves Football is most definitely white and male. Why is it always the ones without a profile pic that claim to be whatever they not to be whatever they are poppin off about this stuff. You see it all over Kinja too, like, “I’m not a Trump supporter but....I’m not anti-feminist but....I’m not MRA

How fucking conceited and oblivious do you have to be to type that and hit SEND? Do white people have to insert themselves into everything?

There has seriously gotta be a better way to educate people though. Like nine different ways. Does it have to involve profiting off the portrayal of the subjugation and misery of black people? Does it have to be on a premium channel that lower-middle class white folks probably won’t shell out for just to have their

People who want to weasel out shitty ideas always paint criticism as outrage. No one is outraged over HBO’s shitty idea. I’m not even upset in the least bit. I might even watch out of morbid curiosity. But don’t try to sell it as revolutionary or the spark that will prompt a discussion that no one ever thought about.

The only discussion this show is going to advance is the White belief that blacks should be grateful that we’re not still slaves and things could be much worse.

I have no idea what foster care is like or what Tiffany experienced. I can’t even pretend to imagine.

And yet they still want her to. All the disrespect this country has given to her husband and children, let alone herself... Nah, white people be living a fantasy.