“Adoption” is definitely code.
“Adoption” is definitely code.
That person’s a troll.
Westeros doesn’t actually exist there could be Black people on the show they chose not to. White people fantasize about a world without Black people in it. Let’s be real here.
I just don’t understand how people continue to think they can get away with this.
But they want to get in their feelings about the word “wypipo”.
Because they have been getting away with it so long and at some many other places they don’t think it can happen to them? These cases we hear about have got to be a small drop in the bucket if folks continue to do it despite knowing others have been busted for it. The funny thing is that most of these situations…
Pfft. Don’t know what the requirements are for that list, but they could always become contractors if that doesn’t bar them.
If I remember correctly (because I’m not looking it up), the man has good genes. I wouldn’t be surprised if he lived a very long life.
Meh. at this story. This is soo typical of Chicago politics/city jobs. Even tho we have the Shakman decree, still hasn’t stop political hires, nepotism and all sorts of abuses in the city.
Should we be surprised? NO!
We (Black Folks) work with so many people like this, who, unfortunately, never get outed like this dummy did.
marijuana-the only drug black people use more than they do.
Is... is this hotep fan fiction? Is that a thing now?
I dont care. he is still a jackleg preacher scamming people out of their money. He can go straight to hell
I watched that documentary and tbh, this woman low key my hero. Y’all can’t tell me nothin. She was like let me tell you about these times that I stole a bunch of jewels from these rich white people.
I think there’s a general distrust of women within the black community where powerful black men are concerned.
Does Walmart not have a a running algorithm preventing certain words from being used in a description? I mean, they have to or trolls would be having a field day. So does it not include the word “nigger”?