Cardi B's Other Shoe

I dismissed one who continues to troll freely. It seems Splinter was a trash heap in more ways than one. 

Most white people come from dirt poor immigrant indentured servant slave labor themselves.

Ah, yes, he says ignorant and incorrect things about race all the time, but we all know black people don’t like him because of the gheyness. Most homphobic race and all.

Mhm. It’s especially odd considering most black folks aren’t the least bit concerned about Jewish folks.

Your argument isn’t argumenting. White people voted for him. Period. We would not be here without white people voting for him. A lot of them. Men and women alike. 

...then end with a virtuoso a capella rendition of “Silent Night” that I would put up against any rendition of the song—including the legendary Temptations cover.

In my experience they only ID as Jewish when they’re called out on their racism or they want to shut down other struggles with their tales of how their grandparents came here with 50 cents in their pocket and made it.

I have allergies that require AM medication and PM medication plus two serum injections every other day. You getting this fake tree and you will deal. 

My mother died when I was 19, but I just had my first child 4 weeks ago and oooh, girl. We had a complicated relationship, but this right here? 

It’s Karu...again. 

White people always want you to silently take their shit. Racism is just a silly, unintended annoyance. No need to get worked up as there’s nothing to see here.

Dude had his own definition of “Black Friday.”

I had an emergency c-section and I wouldn’t have survived those first 3-4 days without actual pain medication. It was still hard a week later if I sat too long in one position or moved the wrong way. I didn’t have to ask (as my doctor is an amazing black woman), but I’ve heard too many women say they were offered

White people have all these grand ideas about how to end racism and claim it’s so fucking easy, but they never just damned do it. It’s far too easy for Lauren to just strike out into the world and implement her ideas, but noooooooo. 

It’s...not her best, but it’s perfectly if you’re heading out with girlfriends after a break up.

Now playing

Might as well go watch Nightingale too. Not like y’all have any real plans this weekend. 

You do realize you can not want to get married yourself without shitting in the aisle at your best friend’s wedding, right?

Fuck that bad built, cockeyed heffa and the mad white women who recognize their resemblance to her when they look in the mirror.

That song has to be 10 years old and it’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it sample.