I just discovered Manwich bold a few weeks ago. It’s beautiful.
I just discovered Manwich bold a few weeks ago. It’s beautiful.
I can’t name a single De Niro movie, so I’m not sure what he has to do with Beyonce and her drawl. Take your ire someplace else 👋🏾👋🏾
She needs elocution classes...and acting classes because she sounds like she’s from Houston all the time.
You’d be shocked to learn that “model” minorities (and black immigrants) are treated better by white people than black Americans are, but go off.
I had some white girl whining to me about her poor, dear grandmother not having privilege when she moved here in the 40s and trying to convince me that she had it so hard as a white woman in the 2010s.
People who say that are stupid. They’re not doing what “we’re” “unwilling” to do. Someone did it before them and the thing we’re not “willing” to do is be exploited. It seems that expecting fair pay for your hard work and a safe working environment is STILL seen as lazy and selfish in America.
Define better
Does that person not realize DV has happened since before “marriage” existed as a thing? Husbands are abusers too. A ring isn’t a force field against DV.
My family is old and Southern. I used to be afraid because “Respect your elders!” until I realized they weren’t treating me with the same respect and they never would. As a child I had to silently accept their ill treatment because I needed to stay in a child’s place. As a “young” adult (18-45ish it seems or until you…
Dammit, Rainey! You must beat your chest and proclaim to love America no matter what!
I’ve found that telling people to mind their fucking business works very well. No hemming and hawing. No trying to make a light joke about it. At some point “That’s none of your business” needs to become everyone’s refrain because the more you answer, the more they pry. Great grandmother, grandmother, Auntie, Uncle,…
Mental illness and being suicidal don’t make you racist, bud.
I just need someone to explain brownies to me when chocolate cake exists. Also, please explain muffins when there are perfectly good cupcakes. A muffin is just a cupcake without frosting. I’m still waiting for my mom to explain why we could have muffins for breakfast and not cupcakes.
I don’t really like chocolate and I don’t like “stuff” in my food, so eating a brownie with add-ins isn’t going to happen.
Perfect time for this white woman to flex her 9-1-1 fingers. Part of me is glad she didn’t because the kids could have been killed. Part of me is annoyed she didn’t because a guy pulling a gun is definitely a reason to feel “uncomfortable” like they tend to claim whenever black people exist.
Telling him to keep his racist gob shut would have been better advice. Silently accepting his racism only emboldens him to be more racist. Staying silent about racism doesn’t make it go away. Get it now?
Uh...no. Fuck that guy and fuck you for defending him.
Yeah. I just had some white woman whining to me on Twitter that we shouldn’t say Alambama is racist because that makes white people go be racist. She herself isn’t racist, mind you. She just understands that being called racist can make you BE racist.
*raises hand*