Cardi B's Other Shoe

Second to last. I’m off to Amazon. 

1) They’re called “Cards”

Register says the officer is still on duty, but has gotten death threats, and had to shut down all of his social media accounts.”

You could be in Kansas City where God saw fit to give us actual turning lanes, some WITH stoplights, and people still opt to turn in front of your turning car from the driving lane because...that light is green and they’re using that as their cue to turn? I don’t know.

That’s not makeup. It’s where his spray tan doesn’t land. 

THIS. My great great grandmother was raped by her employer and it destroyed her family. It’s also why I refuse to entertain ‘The Help’ or anything like it and why I roll my eyes when people try to say we’re all mixed. Nah, son. Mixed indicates some level of consent to me. We’re not mixed. There’s no great love story

They swear they do. Call them out for being a racist fuck and they trot out Judaism knowing full well they haven’t been to temple since Jesus flipped tables over and whipped folks.


What exactly was the emergency here?

She’s not mentally ill and you offering up that bullshit ass “explanation” that is trotted out 99% the time when white people get called out for their fuck shit IS an attempt to excuse it. Stop.

Kris Korbach of Kansas

Ahhh...now you’re telling on yourself. You ARE mad because black people have stopped blowing smoke up biracial folks’ asses. Well, talk to your kind. Y’all are the ones who wanted to be seen as biracial, not black and asked that black people stop laying claim to you. We’re only doing what you asked.👋🏾👋🏾

Who hurt you? Because it seems like you’re upset that some people think light skinned men aren’t black enough or masculine enough when this current conversation is about a biracial man who has shied away from his blackness nearly his entire career being cast to play someone who is (folklore or not) unambiguously black

I’ve never been interested in a concert. A Missy concert? YES!!!! May she bring Ciara along for the ride. 

It seems as if you’ve missed the point. That point being: Fuck “black” people who are only so when it’s convenient. 

One of these men is black in word and deed...I’ll leave you to figure out which.


Has she even had a first single?

Because  she likes it.

Like when he’s on the cover of Essence professing his love for black women when his dating history...