Cardi B's Other Shoe

And not be seen as white anymore?

What kind of wings are y’all eating that require that amount of effort? You just put it in your mouth, bite down a little, suck, and pull it out. It takes two seconds. Three when you have to pinch the end of the flat to separate the bones.

I only eat chicken in the form of wings, thighs, legs, and nuggets from McDonald’s. Chicken breasts do not exist to me. 

I hope your bad days become fewer and farther between.

Don’t I know it...

White people: Black people are welfare recipients! They need to get jobs!

Go to Sephora to get color IQ. It’s not perfect; however, you’ll get 3-5 samples of foundations to take home on top of the 3-5 they test on you in store. Try those out for a few days. Take the match list they give you and search the shades on YT. The one caveat is some heffas play too much, but you can tell when

Her name is Karen. 

I think most just want the lying sow to stop lying.

No. The ugly bitch just eats too much.

You said this before it came out that the woman sells weed for dogs🤣🤣

Wait. I thought it was cool to turn people away from your business if you didn’t agree with their liestyle choices? 

No. Nothing is off limits.

He’s mentally fine and acting like a typical white man. 

I’m just here for all the white women crying about your misogyny. 

Did anyone tell her the projects are essentially just apartments? Crappily built apartments with questionable upkeep, but they don’t come with the “amenities” in these “detention centers” they’re trying to sell us. They aren’t college rec rooms...😕

Yes, but the real problem is black voters not turning out in 2016. If more black people supported HRC (I think) then 62% of white men...could freely support dotard who maybe wouldn’t be president? I don’t know. Don’t ask me to decipher white logic.

Black people don’t owe white people shit.

The face of black people would have to become white for this to happen. I have visions of “I’m 1/256th black!!!” dancing in my head.