
I think you might be the only one who made it to the end...

Right? I feel like we’re in the mess we’re in now because they got their wittle fee fees hurt because most of us believe that everyone should be treated nicely and equally. How dare we!

She says she had a good time talking with Noah, everyone was respectful, told her supporters not to call him names, and his listeners not to call her names. All fine and dandy, until she says she’s not a LIBERAL SNOWFLAKE!!1 She just couldn’t maintain the civil facade for long, could she?

My holiday card this year says “Happy Holidays” in ten different languages and I’m giving them to all my miserable Republican neighbors along with $25 donated to “liberal” causes in their names.

Even that 12 year old who spoke at CPAC in ‘08 grew up and admitted he was just acting like a douche because he thought it’s what adults wanted him to do.

I don’t think that it’s her age that makes her an idiot.

stating that you arent complaining about the unfairness of an interview is complaining about the interview.

“It’s Merry Christmas, not happy holidays, and if you think otherwise,you’re part of the War on Christmas!”

It’s a special snowflake version of “Tommy.”

I have to laugh that it’s always the left labeled special snowflakes when grown ass adult Trump supporters are fighting with Broadway, Starbucks and Kelloggs all at once. Boycott Froot Loops and Pop-Tarts!

These are people who don’t care about facts. Even when they’re given the truth they look at it, toss it over their shoulder and keep arguing their nonsensical point.

How’s she going to have a platform on a situation her Plect father says doesn’t exist? Will it be an invisible platform?

Yeah, it was gross before, now it is really, really, really disgusting.

The rich know climate change is coming. They’re well-prepared for it. But boy is it a good tool to use to turn the masses against those “liberal elites” who want you to do heinous things like buy new light bulbs and stop throwing plastic, glass, paper, and metal in the garbage!

“is currently figuring out a way to use her platform to speak out about a pet issue of hers: climate change”

I can see both sides of this. On the one hand, the more we give these people a platform, the more we normalize their virulent rhetoric. That being said, they are controlling the country now. This is the new normal, however abnormal it may be. And we need to know their arguments in order to be vigilant, stay ahead of

Wow, no. Have we learned nothing from this last election? Silencing racists and mean-spirited bigots like Lahren only feeds into their martyr complexes. I’m reminded of how many conservative speakers have been able to play the victim card after being stopped from speaking on college campuses.

I’d argue it was a good thing to have her on the show? Addresses the whole, have people with other viewpoints so I’m not in an echo chamber. His thought process was to probably skewer her, to expose her. On the other hand there is not arguing with these people. I just herd a guest on NPR, Diane Rehm, she had a guest.

I hate her too. But I listened very intently to the show and Trevor is the only person I’ve seen make her squirm. While I wish to hell he would have pushed her much harder, but at least he showed she is all talk and no substance.