Black baby + died after it was born = nothing to see here, folks.
Black baby + died after it was born = nothing to see here, folks.
I realize there are likely more important things to parse here but, um, a newborn died in a jail and no one lost their shit about that anywhere?
As someone who hasn’t always been terribly political, I have created a set of flashcards (!) to help me keep track of all of these positions, who the people are, and why they are scary. Like Side 1 says, ‘Koch Brothers favorite congressman, Benghazi agitator, Tea Party Republican, Congressman R-Kansas’ and Side 2 says…
See also: women who think women shouldn’t vote and/or work.
Ah, here is a perfect example of how white supremacy can be upheld by people who aren’t even white. There always has to be a handful of POC who are more racist against people who look just like them than are actual white people, and will treat non-whites as brutally, heartlessly, and violently as possible. They are…
But he’s a Sheriff wearing a white hat. What could possibly go wrong?
Hipster old millennial dads ew right?
Stupid hat? Check.
I have a friend from Minnesota whose son is named “Axel,” but it’s a family name, they’re Scandinavian, and they live in Minnesota, so it’s cool.
This might be the most hipster paragraph ever:
Balthazar? Axel? Afton? That’s quite enough now, please stop.
No. Papa is Grandpa.
I’m a blue eyed, light skinned formerly illegal immigrant Mexican man, born into a mostly brown family. So while I live in a nice safe societal bubble (what with my white wife, my home ownership in the suburbs, my son, and my dog) and have never really suffered any indignities, in fact I’d go so far as to say I have…
White people who aren’t total assholes need to confront this shit when it happens.
Fuck, dude. Great writing, shitty situation.
So. I haven’t really said anything about this dumpster fire of an election to anyone, because I’m a suburban black guy who manages an office of white staff. People think I’m white on the phone until they hear my name. I have a white wife and kids who pass.
You can try civility first but it’s pretty hard to challenge blind ignorance and hate with a collected discussion. No white folk saying “why yes I’ll concede I would probably be that upset if my neighbor was shot in the street for no reason other than getting out of his car, salient point.” Get real. Be ready to take…
‘Facts’ don’t matter for most people when it comes to stuff like this. They’ll just blame the lying media or biased websites if they don’t just outright ignore it.
There’s no way Bush can hoop. His lateral quickness is virtually nonexistent and Barry O would jab-jab-rock Bush the fuck outta his Steph Curry 2s. Whole family just embarrassed. Jeb over there crying. Michelle asking if Bush’s wife wants to run twos, but Laura scared as hell. These are just facts, and sometimes you…